Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Diagnosis: Unfit To Serve

Later today, reporters will go through the charade of questioning Dr. Ronny Jackson, RAdm. USN, about the physical exam he gave to sociopathic liar Donald "Rump" Trump last Friday. Of course, by prior agreement, Dr. Jackson will not have any important, revealing information to impart about Rump, except perhaps to state the obvious that he's borderline obese and needs to cut back on the KFC and Big Macs. He'll likely say that with a little smile and/or wink to mollify a certain someone watching.

He certainly won't be discussing Rump's cognitive or mental status, something the White (Supremacist) House has already put off limits. That's contrary to the standard Medicare wellness checkup for elderly Americans (Rump is 71 going on 3 mentally), which includes checks on early stage dementia and/or Alzheimer's disease. His multi-millionaire father suffered from Alzheimer's in the latter years of his life. Rump has also demonstrated signs of confusion and physical disability, slurring his words and exhibiting an increasingly limited vocabulary.

If this were still candidate Rump, we could laugh at his farcical personal physician Dr. Harold "Dr. Strangeglove" Bornstein and his outlandish statements and his Rump-dictated bill of good health. Sadly, we're way beyond that, dealing now with an unstable, unfit and mentally impaired man who has his finger on the nuclear trigger.

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