Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Romper Room In The Oval Office

Keep in mind, of course, that the Man Baby you're reading about below has a big Nuclear Button.

President Trump and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) were alone in the presidential suite on Air Force One, flying east toward Washington in early October, when the president reached for a handful of Starbursts, the square-shaped candy fruit chews. 
But instead of unwrapping all the treats, the president was careful to pluck out and eat two flavors: cherry and strawberry, McCarthy noticed. 
“We’re there, having a little dessert, and he offers me some,” McCarthy recalled in an interview. “Just the red and the pink. A bit later, a couple of his aides saw me with those colors and told me, ‘Those are the president’s favorites.’ ” 
Days later, the No. 2 Republican in the House — known for his relentless cultivation of political alliances — bought a plentiful supply of Starbursts and asked a staffer to sort through the pile, placing only those two flavors in a jar. McCarthy made sure his name was on the side of the gift, which was delivered to a grinning Trump, according to a White House official.  (our emphasis)
The ambitious McCarthy has become one of the most shameless, egregious enablers of Rump, sort of like an over- indulgent nanny.  Using candy as a means of ingratiating yourself with Rump, as you might with a child, is revealing.

"Let's play ping-pong -- with peoples' lives!"
When President Trump spoke by phone with Sen. Richard J. Durbin around 10:15 a.m. last Thursday, he expressed pleasure with Durbin’s outline of a bipartisan immigration pact and praised the high-ranking Illinois Democrat’s efforts, according to White House officials and congressional aides. 
The president then asked if Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), his onetime foe turned ally, was on board, which Durbin affirmed. Trump invited the lawmakers to visit with him at noon, the people familiar with the call said. 
But when they arrived at the Oval Office, the two senators were surprised to find that Trump was far from ready to finalize the agreement. He was “fired up” and surrounded by hard-line conservatives such as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), who seemed confident that the president was now aligned with them, according to one person with knowledge of the meeting. 
Trump told the group he wasn’t interested in the terms of the bipartisan deal that Durbin and Graham had been putting together. And as he shrugged off suggestions from Durbin and others, the president called nations from Africa “shithole countries,” denigrated Haiti and grew angry. The meeting was short, tense and often dominated by loud cross-talk and swearing, according to Republicans and Democrats familiar with the meeting.  
Trump’s ping-ponging from dealmaking to feuding, from elation to fury, has come to define the contentious immigration talks between the White House and Congress, perplexing members of both parties as they navigate the president’s vulgarities, his combativeness and his willingness to suddenly change his position... (our emphasis)
Read the full account of this meeting - apparently, one of the key players in getting Rump to change his "mind" about the bipartisan deal was none other than "adult in the room" and Rump's chief baby sitter of staff John Kelly, who's emerging as "sane Trump" (a very low bar indeed). It was he who helped convince Rump that the compromise wouldn't advance Rump's (racist) agenda. That swirling thing going down the shithole is what remained of Kelly's reputation.

"Nyah- nyah! I make up the best nicknames!"

"Dicky." That must've taken him all day to come up with, being a Very Stable Genius and all that. 

As we note below, any comprehensive review of Rump's cognitive or mental condition would doubtless reveal a dangerously unstable narcissist with an emotional age somewhere around 7 (being generous there).  Perhaps more frightening and worse are the legion of enablers around Man Baby that cater to his obsessions and reinforce his darkest impulses, many knowing full well the lasting damage they're doing to our country.  

(Image: "I want Kevin's Starbursts!")

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