There’s no need for Democrats to overthink 2018. It’s very simple: At every decision point, they should ask themselves WWRD — What Would Republicans Do? — and then do it.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is sounding like a born-again believer in compromise, but only out of necessity. His challenges include a tiny 51-49 majority and ominous signs for the upcoming midterm elections. No wonder he said in welcoming two new Democratic senators last week, “I look forward to working with them in the months ahead to make bipartisan progress and to find common ground on behalf of the American people.”
Where was that man during the Obama administration? [snip]
There’s no reason to reward McConnell for his two-term blockade of President Obama, especially when it could help him limit damage to congressional Republicans running this fall. So how would this legislative hardball look in practice?Lawrence provides some examples of where Democrats should stand firm and hold out for big wins for their values. The Republican Party, now more than ever, should not be treated as a serious partner in governance. That ship sailed and is never returning to port. It's time for the Democratic Party to play the hardball Lawrence recommends and not "overthink" 2018.
Roy Edroso at The Village Voice notes the real interest of Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury":
[T]he book itself, however true and/or entertaining it may be, is politically unimportant, because 1) we already knew Trump was an asshole, and 2) for the 40 percent of Americans who approve of him, being an asshole is clearly a large part of his appeal. [snip]Edroso follows with some examples of the Flying Monkey brigades jumping to the defense of their hero, the Very Stable Genius.
No, the main interest of the book is as a stimulus for Republicans and rightbloggers to take their sycophancy to the next level and defend Trump from accusations that he acts pretty much like everyone already knows he acts.
On the
Paula White, a prosperity gospel preacher with close ties to President Donald Trump, is calling on followers to send her donations of up to one month’s salary. Those who don’t pay up could face “consequences” from God as he demands the dough as a “first fruits” offering.
“The reason is God lays claim to all firsts,” White wrote on her website. “So when you keep for yourself something that belongs to God you are desecrating what is to be consecrated to God.” [snip]
While White said these firsts “belong to God and God alone,” she wants them sent to her in the form of offerings to her ministries.Hahaha. Well of course she does. It must be like that "pass- through" provision in the Republican wealthfare tax act.
Last but not least, Infidel has his encyclopedic link round- up with something for everyone. Always worth a visit.
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