Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tweets Of The Day - Cohen Takes The 5th

Indeed, President Spanky.


  1. Yeah, let's skip back in the Wayback Machine and review ALL the stuff Trump has bloviated about, only to see him flipping like a flounder on virtually every thing he's ever said.

    Hypocrite? Liar? Cheat? yes, yes, yes.

  2. donnah - he's untethered to more than just the truth, isn't he?!

  3. We have seen the countless videos, heard his speeches, read his statements. He has the nerve to claim he never said or did any of the things we all have proof of. He is so childish; he believes that just by denying his actions, they never happened. And his followers will believe him out of willful loyalty, not caring that their leader is a lying sack of well, you know.

    If we can continue to expose him for what he is, and if the Russian interference is proven, he will implode. It isn't his nature to accept challenges with grace; he's going to show his ugliest side. And ugh, what will THAT look like?
