Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sunday Reflection

Lying is the message. Its not just that both Putin and Trump lie, it is that they lie in the same way for the same purpose: blatantly, to assert power of the truth itself... Both Trump and Putin use language primarily to communicate not facts or opinions but power: it’s not what the words mean that matters but who says them and when. This makes it impossible to negotiate with them and very difficult for journalists to cover them." -- the always prescient Masha Gessen, in "The Putin Paradigm," New York Review of Books, December 2016.


  1. Yes, the boldfaced lies are difficult to deal with, but isn't that the job of the press and the media? Shouldn't they have been much tougher on Trump during his campaign? Shouldn't they have quickly dispensed with the, “Trump is unconventional, Trump has a little problem with facts, or Trump isn't disclosing his financial information at this point”?

    Why the hell didn't they nail his ass to the wall? Why didn't they demand tax returns, demand that he disclose his holdings, that he tell the truth? No one called him a liar, which is is now and always has been. Why didn't they blast him for mocking a disabled reporter or fight him for calling Mexicans murderers and rapists? He is a liar and a racist, so that should have been spelled out 24/7 on every news broadcast. But they were too busy pummeling Hillary.

    We saw Trump for what he is, why were they too cowardly to see it and make him own it?

    Because they're owned by big corporations. They get paid to say what they're told to say, not to investigate and find facts and report the truth. Decent people have no voice now. And we have to vote to get this filthy party out of power and hope that it's not too late to regain our dignity and our voices.

  2. donnah - I think it's all of the above, plus IMO very few thought Rump would win, so they felt they had a free pass to soften up Hillary, whom they hated anyway, to wound her administration from the start.
