Sunday, August 12, 2018

Giuliani Discusses His Mental Condition

Demagogue and pathological liar Donald "Rump" Trump's TV lawyer, bug-eyed slanderer and funny farm-bound Rudy"Ghouliani" Giuliani had an interesting exchange with Fux "media" critic Howie Kurtz today:
Kurtz: “Joe Scarborough, a onetime Republican congressman, said while criticizing some of your comments, ‘His eyes are bulging while he’s talking and he looks disoriented.' Do you feel disoriented, Mr. Mayor?”

Giuliani: “Absolutely, I’m completely disoriented. I’m sure I sound that way. Is there something wrong? Doesn’t this give you an indication, Howie, of how completely disoriented the press is and how out of control they are, not only criticizing the president, but everybody around him....You can disagree with me, but I’m hardly disoriented. I know where I am. I know who I am...."
(our emphasis)
Answers: 1) Yes, you are. 2) Yes, you do. 3) Yes, there is. But please don't stop. Ghouliani is a gift to Federal prosecutors and opponents like lawyer Michael Avenatti.

We wonder whether there will be consequences for his dealings with rogue FBI agents in the New York City office, who apparently leaked information to him about the Hillary e-mail kerfuffle shortly before the election. In any case, we hope there's a small padded cell in Ghouliani's future.


DivaNewYork said...

Just let the idiot talk. The more he talks, the more he hurts Rump et al, and talks his way into oblivion. Moron.

hackwhackers said...

diva -- We agree, let him blabber on incoherently. Whatever meager reputation he had is gone.