Friday, August 10, 2018

Russian State TV To Trump: "Do What We Say"

They're not even trying to pretend any more:
One of Russia’s state-run TV news programs this week expressed displeasure with newly announced sanctions being leveled against the Kremlin — and one guest said that it was time to put direct pressure on President Donald Trump to get his administration to back off. [snip] 
Vitaly Tretyakov, the dean of the Moscow State University’s School of Television, argued that the Russian government should use whatever leverage it had over Trump to bend the president to its will. 
“Let’s turn this into a headache for Trump,” he said, according to Davis’ translation. “If you want us to support you in the elections, do what we say.”  (our emphasis)
Raw Story has the video at the link above.

Unlike what the benighted goobers may "think" in the precincts of Trumpland, the fact that Putin puppet Donald "Rump" Trump is a compromised tool of the Russian government is taken for granted and freely discussed in Russia. It must make for an endless source of amusement to them that there are so many ignorant American suckers blindly following the Kremlin's coffee boy.

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