Monday, August 6, 2018

Trump Avoids Press After Twitter Confession

Following his incriminating tweet confirming that the meeting his son Don Jr. Squiggy had with Russian operatives on June 9, 2016, was indeed to gather dirt on Hillary Clinton, the White (Supremacist) House today abruptly shut down press availability regarding co-conspirator and Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump.

Rump is hunkered down at his Bedminster golf club for the next few days, and is showing signs of extreme stress and anxiety over the Paul Manafort trial and the Mueller investigation's closing noose around him. His legal team has to be very concerned about the tweet and his previous request that his Confederate State Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions shut down the Mueller investigation, which indicate that Rump is feeling the heat.

Observers are suggesting that the reason Mueller hasn't talked to Squiggy or Jared "Mr. Ivanka" Trump is because they're targets of the investigation, rather than subjects or "persons of interest" who might be called to testify. As time passes, Mueller's avoidance of them must be causing high anxiety in the Rump crime family, and among the symbiotic courtiers that rely on them for a living.

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