Saturday, January 5, 2019
Religious Quackery: Kenneth Copeland Workout Edition
Eighty-two year old Jeebus huckster Kenneth Copeland hears the Lawd's voice often, although it may be a case of tinnitus. He shared "Gawwwd's" latest message from inside his head with his gullible flock on New Year's eve: that he'd live to preach until he's 120 years old by following a strict workout routine (skip to 1:38:20):
Like predictions of the end of the world that come and go, we trust Copeland's cracked "prophecy" will be disproven with his demise well before he reaches 120. Maybe the cause of death will be as a result of his Jeebus-ordered workout routine.
BONUS: Here's Copeland Jeebus- ordered workout music.