Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Trump Shutdown Message: "I Don't Care" (UPDATED)

As we enter the third week of the Trump government shutdown, sociopathic shitwit Donald "Rump" Trump (a.k.a., Individual 1) has been holding several media events intended to give the impression he's involved in finding a solution to the impasse.  After threatening to keep the government partially shuttered (and 800,000 federal workers and countless contractors and small businesses in dire straits, not to mention the general public) for "months or even years," the shitwit keeps demonstrating his utter unfitness and incompetence. Not that it's ever been a secret.

Remember, this started when the shitwit got spooked by the likes of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh into reneging on the deal passed unanimously by the Republican Senate that would have continued appropriations keeping the government open without funding for his manhood compensator. Republican majority "leader" Sen. Mitch "Missing in Action" McConnell, having been publicly humiliated by the shitwit, thenceforth had to go powder his nose whenever a camera was nearby (note his absence in the picture above).  When Democrats took over the House and passed the Senate Republican bill keeping the government open, McConnell announced he wouldn't even bring the bipartisan bill to the floor for a vote since the shitwit wouldn't support it. Integrity!

So now we've had several photo- op events intended to demonstrate the shitwit's command of the situation.  Except at every opportunity, he steps on his dick the message, starting with his self- own of the shutdown in the meeting with Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer on December 11. Then, this past Friday, he issues his threat to hold the government, federal and private sector workers hostage indefinitely over his manhood compensator.  Yeah, it's on him.

The master of the deal also seems to lack a certain... understanding of the dynamics:
President Donald Trump told congressional leaders during a meeting Friday to try to negotiate terms to re-open the government and that he preferred the word "strike" in describing the ongoing government shutdown, a person familiar with the meeting and a Democratic aide told CNN. 
Trump also kicked off the meeting with a profanity laden opening salvo lasting more than 15 minutes in which he made it clear that he had no plans to move on from his demand for $5.6 billion to build a border wall, according to a person familiar with the meeting.
A "strike"?  No, you goddamn imbecile, it's exactly the opposite.  It's called a "lockout." Wharton MBA, my ass.

Could anyone believe the shitwit has any empathy for the people whose lives he's damaging? A narcissist like him has no capacity for empathy;  he's also never had to worry about a paycheck, or a mortgage, or when his next McDonald's happy meal was coming.  It's all about him, and him alone. He even signals that the people -- the American citizens -- he's harming are the "enemy", making them all the more expendable:

"I don't care."  What a surprise.

UPDATE:  How did Rump get fixated on the manhood wall that's caused the partial government shutdown?  You have to read this.

(Photo:  Shitwit and smug cultists who are still getting paid for some reason.)


Infidel753 said...

If this is a strike, the only person on strike is Trump himself. This mess is happening because he's not doing his job.

donnah said...

Exactly! Management doesn't hold a strike, workers do. Trump, in his usual idiotic way, is trying to pin his massive failure as a leader on the workers. It's the opposite of a strike! They might choose to strike now, hoever, as he's withholding payment for work being done.

W. Hackwhacker said...

Infidel -- he's on strike against common decency, intellect, and character all right.

donnah -- some unpaid TSA workers are essentially doing just that by calling in sick.