Saturday, January 5, 2019

QOTD: Trump's Mental Deterioration

"His dangers are no longer probable but demonstrable: his attraction to cruel and violent policies; his effectiveness in inciting violence; his stripping of moderating forces; his pursuit of a position of power without appropriate qualifications; and his shaping of the national and international culture after his own mental state—all fit the pattern of well-known, dangerous personality structures.

Since there is no rational strategy underneath it all, granting him what he wishes was bound to cause him to deteriorate and to cause devastation to the nation—we have not yet seen the end. That is why mental health professionals have been warning against this presidency as a part of our societal responsibility." -- Yale psychiatry professor Dr. Bandy X. Lee, in a Raw Story interview, describing the danger of sociopath and malignant narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump's increasing mental impairment.

Lee joins dozens of other mental health professionals in calling for a capacity evaluation of Rump's ability to function in his position. In 2017's  "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President", psychiatrists warned that Rump's mental condition was more ominous that recognized by the public, and that it would deteriorate over time resulting in an uncontainable personality.

We've discussed (here and here, for example) the mental health community's "duty to warn" society about a person's mental instability especially if that person represents a threat to the public. With the supposed "guardrails" eliminated to keep Rump in the most tenuous check, he'll be even more reckless and deranged as the legal and political walls close in on him.  Putting country over party will be the least of it; putting survival over destruction may be the choice.


  1. I think most of us who follow politics, and especially this disaster of a president, have felt all along that he has serious mental health issues. I read with interest what mental health professionals have to say, but we have to be cautious because they aren't doing any face-to-face testing or physiological tests. And the data released by his so-called “doctors” with regards to his health is laughable.

    In televised interviews with Trump twenty years ago, it's clear that he was far more coherent and verbally nimble than he is now. And he seemed more restrained in his discussions, not spewing the verbal diarrhea we see and hear now.

    We may never find out how far gone he is, mentally. When he gets in front of a microphone, he blathers on and on in some type of random stream of consciousness, or unconsciousness. Every time, the focus is on himself and his accomplishments. Every time, he takes an event like a national disaster and makes it about his success in handling it. It's bizarre.

    So yes, I believe he is compromised mentally. I've heard rumors from an alleged insider at the White House that he's hoovering up crushed Adderall. He doesn't look well, he seems more bloated and sluggish at public appearances, And that last photo op with the green flight jacket revealed more than his usual oversized suit jacket.

    He's definitely coming further loose from mental moorings. The bad thing is that we can't do much about it. Unless he comes storming out of the White House in his underwear, we have to hope that Mueller and the new House will tighten the ropes around him and get him out. And we have to hope that someone keeps his tiny fingers off the Button.
