The right-wing hate machine has been in a state of high dudgeon over rising Dem star and bane of dessicated white people Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (ACO) even before she took her seat in Congress. Porcine blowhard and Trump's superior Rush "Limpballs" Limbaugh took a shot at her on his radio waste treatment plant, and came up with this brilliance about ACO (after approvingly quoting CNN hack and Beltway media doofus Chris "The Lizard" Cilliza):
"Because I'm telling you, I predicted this, that the Democrat leadership is not hip to this young, bunch of millennials pouring in here and some of these other radicals. They're not hip to it, I mean they run that party and they run the American left, and they're not going to let some young uppity come in here and upset the apple cart."First of all, "hip?" The '60s called and they want their terminology back. Second, "uppity" is racist language for any minority member who succeeds in America, despite the best efforts of racists like Limpballs. Limpballs also used the term when referring to President Obama (and Michelle).
This is part of a very long pattern with Limpballs, who's currently married to his fourth wife and who never met a female adversary that he didn't try to slime. When he defamed Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke as a "slut" for advocating insurance coverage for contraceptives in 2012, advertisers fled his program. Sadly, with the hourly vomitus of crude, misogynist and outrageous remarks coming out of the current occupant of the Oval Office, Limpballs doesn't stand out as much. Except when he bounces.
(image: Or, Mr. Uppity Downity)
I gotta say, this post had me LOL'ing. It was hilarious! Thanks for the great phrasing and slams against the likes of Rush Limbaugh.
ReplyDeleteHe is a bloated windbag who profits from the misery of others. Plain and simple, Limbaugh is an ugly, spiteful, and mean toad. He's done immense damage to the country with his rhetoric and assertions.
In the great dumpster fire of life, he's the gelatinous blob of fat fueling the flames.
donnah -- We'd say you have some pretty spectacular phrasing and slams, too. Thanks!