Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Late Night Addresses Trump's Address [UPDATED]

Jimmy Kimmel reviews Individual 1's speech "to warn us about a completely made up thing":

Stephen Colbert taped his show before the speech, but he knew what Individual 1 would say anyway:

Seth Meyers cuts to the chase:

UPDATE: Surprise! Trump's 2020 campaign committee tried to fundraise off of Rump's address rehash of his tweets last night.


  1. I watched it on MSNBC, knowing they'd do a follow-up analysis. I have seen clips of Trump at rallies and I know his rambling, all-over-the-map rants, and this was different. He read woodenly from the teleprompter, pretending he has feelings and empathy, relating that he held the hands of crime victims. Of course, he didn't say that he has to write “be sad” on his hand when he meets people he's supposed to be conforting.

    Sincere? Genuine? Honest? Triple nope. He made no case and convinced no one of the need for his wall. He was there spouting lies, as usual, but without his usual level of frenzied raving. He was told to act “presidential” and he tried to, but he just looked like a stuffed, suit-wearing dummy. Ugh.

  2. donnah - you have a stronger stomach than me! From the reviews (and not just from progressive sites), your analysis tracks with the vast majority of opinion that it was a dud by a dud for duds.
