Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tweet Of The Day -- Witness Tampering 101

This bottom- dwelling slug is a stone cold Trump stooge named Matt Gaetz, Republican Congressman from Florida:

We wonder if this came from his own tiny, lizard brain, or if someone whispered in his ear, just as Michael Cohen testifies on Trump's sleazy criminality. FBI may want to question him about this under 18 U.S. Code 1512.

We're reminded of the quote from Dashiell Hammett's "Maltese Falcon," oft cited by Charles P. Pierce: "The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter."

Son of a bitch is cheap as they come.

(We took a screenshot of Gaetz's tweet since we knew he'd be deleting it at some point, which he has now...)


  1. Gaetz is slime. He already showed himself with regards to the FBI last month. He's despicable and he's proud of it, and as disgusting as this tweet is, nothing will come of it. Republicans apparently can say and do whatever they choose, illegal or simply immoral, and suffer no consequences.

    Tomorrow will be a f*cking circus. With 42 questioners and an atmosphere of pure antagonism by the Republicans, there will be objections, talk-overs, and shouting. Cohen will be badgered, insulted, and threatened on the stand. I'm glad he'll be speaking publicly, but I am dreading the process.

    These are trying times.

  2. donnah -- Gaetz is also a coward. He's taken down the tweet and apologized to Speaker Pelosi. He already did his job, knowingly. They still need to go after him hard with a censure and, hopefully but not likely, with witness intimidation/ tampering charges.
