Thursday, April 18, 2019

The William Barr Kabuki Theatre

At 9:30 this morning, demagogue and crime family boss Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump's personal defense attorney, William "Low" Barr will perform Act II of his kabuki performance "Nothing To See In The Mueller Report, Move Along." Holding a press conference to spin what's likely to be a bad narrative (depending on the extent of redactions) hours before the Mueller investigation report is released to Congress and the public signals more diversion and dissembling by Barr. Trump's manic tweets indicate he's aware of the bad narrative that's in the unredacted report, otherwise why attack a "not guilty" verdict?

Dems are rightfully angry at Barr's manipulation of the report to get Trump's version out before anyone has a chance to review and digest what ever Barr has left unredacted:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Barr had “thrown out his credibility and the DOJ’s independence with his single-minded effort to protect” Trump. And Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “The process is poisoned before the report is even released.”

“Barr shouldn’t be spinning the report at all, but it’s doubly outrageous he’s doing it before America is given a chance to read it,” Schumer said.

Hours before Barr’s press conference, Pelosi and Schumer issued a joint statement calling for Mueller to appear before Congress “as soon as possible.”

They said his “partisan handling” of the report has “resulted in a crisis of confidence in his independence and impartiality.”
It's also public knowledge now that Barr and the White (Supremacist) House have discussed the report in advance of today's release, in order to let Trump's legal team prepare a rebuttal (again, why rebut a report that "totally exonerates" Trump?). Barr has clearly placed himself in the position of Trump's taxpayer paid defense attorney, with command of the resources of the Justice Department. It's ugly and yet another assault on the rule of law by this rogue regime.

BONUS:  The Washington Post is out with a front page story claiming that "people familiar with the matter" are saying the redactions will be "light."   Rather than link to that dubious piece of pre- spin spin by Trump's Justice Department, here's a different perspective.  As always, the capacity for the media to swallow lies fed to them seems bottomless.  We'll soon find out.

BONUS II: Twitter reacts to Barr's continued coverup for Trump. And even Fux's Chris Wallace has Barr pegged:
“When it came to the obstruction case, there were 10 instances that the special counsel raised that could be considered potential obstruction, then you got into this very curious area where the attorney general seemed almost to be acting as the counselor for the defense, the counselor for the president rather than the attorney general — talking about his motives, talking about his anger, his feeling this was unfair and there were leaks.”


  1. Not only is Barr declaring the Trump team exonerated of all charges, he's defending Trump personally and claiming hostile Democrats put undue pressure on him at the beginning of his presidency and made things much more difficult for him. He's clearly way out front of the report, making statements of absolution on both collusion and obstruction. He essentially declared that the Trump campaign is innocent of all charges and had also been unfairly attacked.

    Sigh. I've spent the last half hour flipping Barr off and screaming, “Liar!”. I knew this would happen, we all knew it would happen this way. But it proves that there is no protection for our rights, our security, and the sanctity of our country's security.

    Get ready for the newly exonerated president to gloat gleefully and use this as his new reelection campaign.

  2. donnah -- Barr's proven to be as slippery and deceitful as his client. Using "collusion" over and over - - not a crime, but a word Trump uses -- is a tell that his overview is bogus. Good question posed by the press as to why Mueller wasn't there. Barr pulled the "he reported to me" card as a weak excuse.
