Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Trump Orders Staff To Boycott Press Dinner

As the meltdown of demagogue and justice obstructor Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump continues with his manic scattershot tweeting and seething rage over the findings of the Mueller report, it comes as no surprise that, in addition to refusing to attend the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner (WHCAD) for the third time, he's petulantly ordered his underlings to stay away from the annual group grope of media, DC insiders and celebrities. Revenues raised by the dinner are used to fund scholarships for journalism students.

Trump frequently refers to the media that doesn't kowtow to him as the "enemy of the people," a phrase popularized by that symbol of freedom Joseph Stalin. It's yet another example of his utter unfitness for the office he occupies, an office where he views himself as an absolute ruler who can demand that his opponents get on their knees to him. Expect his unhinged unraveling to get worse as time goes on, as subpoenas fly and as the elections approach.


  1. Wait, what? Trump does something else to make me hate him even more? Unpossible!

    Honestly, it used to be on e every few days that he did something to jeopardize the Constitution or ruin someone's life, then once a day, and now several times a day. It's never-ending. If the Dems hold off impeaching the SOB, then we have to fight for ourselves. I emailed my Senator about my hopes for impeachment. We have to tell our Representatives that we are mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore.

  2. donnah -- There has to be some accountability for Trump, the stronger the better. We can't let history write that he set a new low standard for the Presidency and got away with it.
