Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fux's Dobbs Praises Congressional Rethug Mob

Yesterday, after roughly 30 Republican thugs pushed their way into the secure room where depositions are being taken on the Ukraine shake down scandal, it was noted by many news sources that Republican Congressmen on the Oversight, Foreign Affairs, and Intelligence Committees are already allowed to participate in the closed sessions. In their 5 hour occupation of the room, the pigs left behind empty pizza boxes and other trash. The thuggery by the usual far-right suspects -- Matt "DUI" Gaetz, Screwy Louie Gomert, white supremacist Steve King, etc. -- was done for an audience of one: sociopath and Russian asset Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump, who earlier had incited them to "get tougher." We predict that these "very fine people" will bring their tiki torches to their next flash mob.

Hearing his master's call, despicable pontificator and anti-immigrant bigot "Loopy Lou" Dobbs quickly jumped to the mob's defense on his Fux Business propaganda show last night, according to Media Matters:
"The Republicans, God bless them for actually doing something! I am so impressed. Schiff left the hearing with witness Laura Cooper, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense. After entering that room the Republicans ordered pizzas, Congressman Doug Lamborn brought in bags much Chick-fil-A. House Oversight Committee ranking member Jim Jordan slammed Schiff for his secrecy and said the American people deserve to know who the so-called whistleblower is."
Yes, please give Dobbs the name of the whistleblower so that Dobbs can unleash a lying, rabid, pre-packaged smear. Also, which whistleblower is he referring to? Trump himself, Mulvaney, the summary of Trump's phone call to Ukraine? So many blowing whistles.

(photo: Dobbs' hair color may change, but he'll always be a horse's ass)

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