Thursday, October 24, 2019

Quotes Of The Day -- A Drama And A Comedy

This is just the most transparently clear abuse of power and an impeachable offense that I can remember in the history of the United States and I studied it pretty thoroughly.  This makes the Nixon situation looks silly by comparison, this is way more serious.”  -- Constitutional law professor Lawrence Tribe, on CNN yesterday.

"... The evidence compiled by the inquiry looks increasingly damning as witnesses detail a clear dollars-for-dirt quid pro quo between Trump and Ukraine. Trump’s best defense may be to make the inquiry itself look like a circus. Luckily for him, Republicans have a bountiful supply of clowns." Dana Milbank in today's Washington Post, as part of his ongoing "Impeachment Diary."


  1. I've seen Laurence Tribe on MSNBC and I like him. He knows the law inside out and upside down and he's a walking history book. He is not hyperbolic or exaggerated in his comments and I trust and respect him. I hope his words are heeded.

  2. donnah -- he's pretty much written the book on Constitutional law and has plenty of history backing him up.
