Saturday, November 2, 2019

Barr's Quest To Undermine U.S. Intelligence

When Russian asset and con man Donald "Impeachable Me" Trump grew frustrated with his former Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions' unwillingness to obstruct the Mueller probe, he exclaimed "where's my Roy Cohn," referring to the notorious mob lawyer who was his mentor. When corrupt porcine fixer William "Low" Barr literally applied for the job in a 19 page paper essentially telling Trump he could obstruct justice without consequences, he was hired and became Trump's Cohn.

Recently, Barr has been shuttling around Europe encouraging law enforcement and intelligence agencies to concoct backup for the smear that U.S. intelligence agencies and their foreign counterparts were illegally "spying" on U.S. citizens to make the case that Trump's campaign was cooperating with Russian intelligence to influence the 2016 election. Undermining the Mueller probe is one of Trump's goals, as if to erase the asterisk that history will place beside his illegitimate election with the support of the Russian Federation. He now finds himself in the UK, where their intelligence officials are unhappy with his efforts to twist the story about how Russia influenced the election in favor of Trump. From the Independent:
"Trump and Barr have also been asking other foreign governments for help in investigating the FBI, CIA and Mueller investigators. The US president has called on the Australian prime minister Scott Morrison for assistance, while the attorney general has been on similar missions to the UK and Italy.

And the information being requested has left allies astonished. One British official with knowledge of Barr’s wish list presented to London commented that 'it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services'".  (our emphasis)
He's not only asking them to do a hatchet job on their intelligence services as well as ours, he's giving Russia a valuable assist in their transparently dishonest claim that they had nothing to do with corrupting the 2016 elections.

Trump has his Roy Cohn, all right, and a co-conspirator to boot.


  1. Barr's activities are reprehensible. He is supposed to be a non-partisan Attorney General, not a private defense lawyer for Trump. My tax dollars pay his salary and he's acting way beyond his job description.

    He's also actively pursuing illegal inquiries around the world and doing his best to dismantle the Intelligence Community. Why we can't stop him is yet another example of unanswered wrongdoing by Trump's people left unchallenged. This is hugely inappropriate and we need to shut him down.

  2. donnah -- At a minimum he needs to be hauled before a Congressional committee and made to answer for this. One step might be to zero out the part of the budget that supports his salary and immediate office.....
