Saturday, November 2, 2019

Smugglers Cut Through Trump's "Impenetrable" Wall

Sociopath and racist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump's most iconic message in his Russia-assisted campaign in 2016 was to build a wall (that Mexico would pay for) on the southern border with Mexico. In reality, much of the construction has been to replace existing barriers -- only 64 miles of it to date. What Trump promised -- a 1,000 mile-long concrete barrier -- has changed to 450 miles of wall of fencing and barriers, and only 110 miles of it would be where no barrier previously existed. To fund his wall (that Mexico would pay for), Trump has diverted $3.6 billion in Defense Department funds previously appropriated for military projects, including family housing, a move that's being challenged in court.

With that as background, the Washington Post is reporting that smugglers have been successful in cutting through the wall that has just recently been installed, allowing for the passage of people and drugs. From the article:
"The breaches have been made using a popular cordless household tool known as a reciprocating saw that retails at hardware stores for as little as $100. When fitted with specialized blades, the saws can slice through one of the barrier’s steel-and-concrete bollards in a matter of minutes, according to the agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the barrier-defeating techniques. 
After cutting through the base of a single bollard, smugglers can push the steel out of the way, allowing an adult to fit through the gap. Because the bollards are so tall — and are attached only to a panel at the very top — their length makes them easier to push aside once they have been cut and are left dangling, according to engineers consulted by The Washington Post."  (our emphasis)
There were reports months ago that Trump's wall was able to be penetrated, either by cutting through it or climbing over it.  However, as penetrable as his wall is proving to be, Trump will continue to tell his gullible cult that everything's perfect and they'll buy it:
"Trump has increasingly boasted to crowds in recent weeks about the superlative properties of the barrier, calling it 'virtually impenetrable' and likening the structure to a 'Rolls-Royce' that border-crossers cannot get over, under or through."
As with everything Trump sells, it's part of a scam.


  1. Trump's wall is a half-assed effort at this point, unless some government department is robbed and more money goes to funding more of it. It was a campaign promise and he's determined to keep pushing for it. but we all know that building a taller, wider, pointier, slipperier wall won't solve anything. There's always a way to over, under, or through.

  2. donnah -- The wall is a symbol of Trump's deep ignorance. It's the solution of a cave man, and it's no surprise his cult loves it.
