Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Republican Crime Blotter: Duncan Hunter Pleads Guilty

News broke late yesterday that corrupt Trumpist Congressman Duncan "Dumbkin" Hunter was going to plead guilty today to campaign finance violations, something that he not only had vigorously denied before, but actually threw his wife under the bus when he blamed her for the violations. (He also referred to his prosecution as a "witch hunt" -- sounds familiar!) The rabid Rethug voters of California's 50th district actually re-elected this cowardly crook last year, already knowing the charges and evidence against him.

Hunter and his wife were accused of misusing over $250,000 in campaign funds for personal use, including Hunter's payment of hotel bills when carrying on an extramarital affair. Trumpists are nothing if not odious hypocrites.

(photo: Dumbkin vaping during a Congressional hearing. Case of the Vapid Vaper)


  1. Apparently Reprobate Hunter also is a coke fiend and should be called an Ex-Marine at every opportunity. The Corps should strip him of his EGA and quatrefoil.

  2. Gee whiz, another scummy criminal Republican convicted of lots of crimes. Color me shocked!

  3. Gene -- Amen to that. Dishonor is his middle name.

    donnah -- It's just about a weekly occurence for a Rethuglican perp walk to happen. The "law and order party" my tuchas.

  4. Hackwhackers, I forgot to add soon to be convicted felon Hunter played the game of aw geez I only plead guilty to one little measly count! I'm practically Innocent!
