Saturday, January 25, 2020

Looking For An Excuse, Any Excuse

Yesterday's QOTD quoted a CBS News report that a confidant of crime family boss Donald "The Dumb Don" Trump had warned Republican Senators that their heads "would be on a pike" if they voted against him in the impeachment trial.  Then, in Rep. Adam Schiff's masterful closing argument last night asking Republicans to show moral courage, he mentioned the quote, after saying he didn't know if it was true or not.

Well, wouldn't you know Senate Republicans would latch onto this, the tiniest excuse, to fall in line with Moscow Mitch McConnell's coverup, especially these two empty pantsuits:

Some selected responses:

And, finally,

So, the moral cowards are who we always knew them to be, and they're just going through the motions now until they can acquit the most dangerous, incompetent, un- American person ever to hold the office of president.

(Murkowski isn't running for re-election this year, but of course Collins is.  You can contribute to her most likely opponent, Sara Gideon, here.)

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