Monday, June 15, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- Hellboy Vs. Waterboy

While this is going on in his state ...

... reptilian Trump waterboy Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz is busy stopping the pandemic ...  having a twitter feud with an actor:

To which Ron "Hellboy" Perlman responded,

Mentioning Rep. "Gym" Jordan  and wrestling is problematic all right!  But it was a challenge Tailgunner Ted was quick to ooze past, just as he oozed past Trump's insults of his father and wife  --

Others wade in --



David Simon speaks for us all --

(John Amato spelunks the origins of the would- be epic struggle.)


  1. Ted Cruz has lost what little was left of his brain cells. His constituents need to pay attention and vote him out at the next possible opportunity. And bravo for Perlman calling him on his stupidity.

  2. donnah -- he continues to get dunked every time he trots out one grievance or another. He's one of the worst things to ever happen to the Senate, by far.
