Thursday, June 18, 2020

Twit Tweet, Thwap Twofer

Following the SCOTUS decision on LGBTQ rights and, today, on protecting DACA participants, the shitgibbon was full of self-pity, paranoia and violent imagery (what else is new?).

Twit tweet -- self- pity and paranoia:




Twit tweet -- violent imagery:




  1. Trump: always being an asshole. He can't help himself, he's so thoroughly rotten that everything he does is all about him, whether he's being racist, misogynist, or simply planning his next assault on our democracy. He never knew what Juneteenth was, so of course no one else had, either, and he's claiming success for making it a big deal. Nevermind that he was going to debase the date by hosting a pep rally for himself that day, not celebrating the reason for Juneteenth's significance.

    I'm so tired of his presence. I'm sick of hearing him whine and seeing him deliberately break the law and get away with it. November can't get here soon enough.

  2. donnah -- needless to say, we share your feelings, as do (we believe) a growing majority of Americans who want this sick, evil carnival show to end.
