Monday, October 5, 2020

Barr To Disregard Safety Rules After COVID Exposure


A rogue's gallery of Trump cultists were exposed over the past 10 days to COVID-19, stemming from the Amy Coney Barrett garden party and virus spreader social. One of the rogues mingling with sociopath Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump was his "Roy Cohn," corrupt consigliere William "Low" Barr, who was seen in close conversation with COVID positive piranha / human hybrid Kellyanne Conway and other positives. Barr is now temporarily self-quarantining, due to his exposure, but according to reports plans to report back to his job of keeping Trump in office and out of prison:

"Barr previously appeared to have no intention of quarantining despite coming in close contact with members of President Donald Trump's inner circle who have tested positive for Covid-19, including former White House adviser Kellyanne Conway.

Even so, his anticipated return to work would still disregard recommendations by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

This unethical, amoral villain is so unconcerned with staff and employees at the Justice Department he's willing to potentially expose them to a virus that he may be asymptomatic with. If there's any justice -- pardon the pun -- Barr will come done with a ferocious case before he can waddle back into the Justice Department.

BONUS: Trump spokesliar Kayleigh "McInsaney" McEnany has tested positive for COVID-19, having had maskless interactions with not only the press but her staff (two of whom have tested positive) in the past week.  The White (Supremacist) House press office has essentially shut down. Here's some karma coming back to bite an ass --


(h/t Mock Paper Scissors)

(photo: Conway hopefully delivering a big dose of COVID to Barr. AP photo / Alex Brandon)

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