Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Today In Moscow Mitch

Court- packing Moscow Mitch McConnell finds holding up COVID relief funds as the pandemic rages and people and businesses struggle...  amusing:


What a soulless reptile -- the perfect face of the Trump/ Republican Party.


donnah said...

Mitch is a cruel, sadistic, greedy, power-hungry shit. The state of Kentucky supports him every time, while they rank among the lowest states in health care, education, and the economy. And he's a billionaire. I'd say they can continue to vote for him, against their own self-interests, but we need to get his fat ass out of the Senate leadership. He deserves to be kicked to the curb.

W. Hackwhacker said...

donnah -- this is likely his last term (assuming he's re-elected), but the damage he's done may never be fixed. He's earned a place in the Hall of Shame.

Richard said...

That was just disgusting. He's even worse than our pedazo de mierda Utah senator Mike Lee. The scum really does rise to the top. We will fix the damage eventually. It's gonna take a long time. We could have been better but these evil clowns are captivated by something we choose not to be.