We've noted before (here, here and here) that sociopathic Russian asset and financially unstable con man Donald "Tovarich" Trump has been a national security risk from the day he stepped foot in the Oval Office. If there was a saving grace, his attention span reportedly was negligible when he was briefed by CIA officers during his term. But you never know what stuck, and that's why President Biden said yesterday that he doesn't think further intelligence briefings for Trump are wise. When asked in an interview with CBS News' Norah O'Donnell about that issue, Biden was clear:
"In Friday’s interview, O’Donnell pressed Biden on his past characterizations of Trump.
'You’ve called him an existential threat. You’ve called him dangerous. You’ve called him reckless,' she said.
Biden replied, 'Yeah, I have. And I believe it.'
When asked to describe his 'worst fear' were Trump to continue receiving classified information, to which he had unrestricted access as president, Biden said, 'I’d rather not speculate out loud. I just think that there is no need for him to have the — the intelligence briefings.'
He added, 'What value is giving him an intelligence briefing? What impact does he have at all, other than the fact he might slip and say something?''" (our emphasis)
It's likely worse than his slipping and saying something, as he did with the Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the U.S. in the Oval Office early in his term, disclosing details of a secret Israeli operation. It's that he is deeply in debt to foreign entities, and likely some controlled by the Kremlin, making him a classic target for exploiting by our adversaries.
It's time -- actually past time -- to cut him off from intelligence briefings. He was a national security threat then, is now, and will be going forward.
Trump didn't attend most of his security briefings when he was "president". why should he get any briefings now???
ReplyDeleteJasperjava - exactly. Fortunately it looks like he won't.