Saturday, February 6, 2021

QOTD -- The Reset On "Bipartisanship"


"In the early morning hours on Friday, Senate Democrats passed a measure laying the groundwork to move President Biden’s big economic rescue package via the reconciliation process, by a simple majority. Republicans are already thundering with outrage.

"The move does indeed pose a serious challenge to Republicans. But it’s one that runs deeper than merely moving toward passing this one package without them. It also suggests a reset in dealing with GOP bad-faith tactics across the board — and even the beginnings of a response to the Donald Trump era and the ideology loosely described as 'Trumpism.'” -- Greg Sargent, on the reset by Democrats in dealing with the bad faith Republican tactics of dragging "negotiations" out in the name of bipartisanship, only to blame Democrats as failed unifiers when the time comes to move on without Republican support.  Good read.

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