In an effort to solidify his nativist, anti-immigrant bigoted base, incompetent Texas Gov. Greg "Abbadabba" Abbott announced that he was making a $250 million "down payment" on the construction of a border wall with Mexico. As we've seen in the past couple of years with his Dear Leader's medieval border wall, you can scale it, you can cut through it, and you can go around it, and we suspect the bumbling Abbott, who can't get his state's electric grid into the 21st century, will fail at that, too.
Abbott's up for reelection in 2022 and he wants to exploit this red meat issue to rouse his base, and to distract from his failures as Governor. He's invited his disgraced Dear Leader to visit the southern border for a photo opportunity, as he engaged in demagoguery, using much of the language of the former guy (from the first link):
"Abbott painted a bleak picture of border cities as victims of an 'open border' policy he blames for the large numbers of migrants 'wreaking havoc' and 'carnage' on both populous and remote communities along the Rio Grande.
'Remember that the border was far more under control under the Trump administration until President Biden came,' Abbott said, drawing a dubious comparison between the 2020 migrant apprehension numbers, which were lower during the coronavirus pandemic, to 2021 figures. 'But the biggest difference between the two administrations is a difference in commitment.'” (our emphasis)
Abbott also is looking for private donations (get Steve Bannon on the line, stat!) and is nonsensically "demanding" that President Biden return the land seized by the Trump Administration to the owners, so that they can "volunteer" to donate their property for the wall. You can imagine how that went over in a "border summit" with ranchers and landowners:
"But when the governor asked which of them would volunteer their land for border fence or wall construction, not one hand went up, according to two people who attended the summit." (our emphasis)
Sounds like things are off to a good start, Governor Freeze In The Dark.
(photo: A breach in the southern border wall. Associated Press)
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