Friday, April 1, 2022

The Dangerous Nuttery Of Ginni Thomas


New reporting from the Daily Beast. via Raw Story, sheds light on the malicious influence that Ginni Thomas, wife of reactionary Justice Clarence "Long Dong Silver" Thomas, had on the Malignant Loser when it came to personnel decisions. She was an all too frequent visitor to Trump's White House, and usually came with memos listing "disloyal" employees and recommendations for new, Ginni-approved hires:

"According to the Beast's Asawin Suebaeng and Adam Rawnsley, 'Ever since she became a welcome guest at Trump’s residences, Thomas—an influential and longtime conservative activist, and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas—had perfected a proven formula of enthralling and manipulating the president’s emotions and mood. On multiple occasions throughout the Trump era, Thomas would show up in the White House, sometimes for a private meeting or a luncheon with the president. She often came armed with written memos of who she and her allies believed Trump should hire for plum jobs—and who she thought Trump should promptly purge—that she distributed to Trump and other high-ranking government officials.'"  (our emphasis)

She was loathed by White House staff, who watched the Malignant Loser fly into rages after she left, demanding certain people be fired and others be hired, regardless of their qualifications:

"According to one former senior Trump official, 'We all knew that within minutes after Ginni left her meeting with the president, he would start yelling about firing people for being disloyal. When Ginni Thomas showed up, you knew your day was wrecked.'” (our emphasis)

As the article notes, often times her recommended candidates couldn't pass a security check, or didn't want to work for President Pussygrabber the Malignant Loser. 

Then there's this revealing background story on Ginni Thomas' adherence to a cult some years ago, provided by Dr. Steven Hassan, an expert on cults and deprogramming:

It's also worth the time to read Jane Mayer's excellent article in The New Yorker from last January, which goes into more detail about Thomas' involvement with Lifespring, and where she reports on Ginni Thomas' other radical, extreme right wing / QAnon cult world views. It's chilling, and even more so to know her influence on one of the nine Supreme Court justices. 


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