Monday, September 16, 2024

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


The good:

The Senate has the potential for history-making this fall, with not one, but two, Black women possibly elected to the chamber, a situation never seen in America since Congress was created more than 200 years ago.

Delaware’s Lisa Blunt Rochester marks the milestone by saying that the reason she does this work is not about making history, “but to make a difference, an impact, on people's lives.”

Maryland’s Angela Alsobrooks said that people like her, and stories like hers, don’t usually make it to the U.S. Senate, “but they should.”

If the two Democratic candidates prevail in their elections this November, their arrival would double the number of Black women — from two to four — who have ever been elected to the Senate, whose 100 members have historically been, and continue to be, mostly white men.

Never in the Senate have two Black women served together at the same time. [snip]

Blunt Rochester is almost assured to defeat the Republican candidate after Tuesday's uncontested primary for the seat held by retiring Democratic Sen. Tom Carper in the small state that is home to President Joe Biden and where she is the at-large representative to the House. But the race in Maryland between Alsobrooks and Republican Larry Hogan, the popular former governor, is expected to be tight to the finish — and it could determine which party takes majority control in the Senate.

Alsobrooks upended conventional wisdom to beat back wealthy David Trone in the primary to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin by amassing deep grass roots and party support, showcased in a notable campaign ad with hundreds of backers. She is the former State’s Attorney for sprawling Prince George’s County and is now its top County Executive...

We have a special interest in seeing Alsobrooks prevail.  The latest polls show her edging ahead of the lifelong Republican chameleon Hogan by 5 or 6 points.  Still too close for deep blue Maryland.  If you choose to help keep this seat Democratic and hold the Senate, you can go here to donate.

The bad:

Former President Donald Trump is safe following an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf course on Sunday afternoon, and a "potential suspect", named as Ryan Routh by several media outlets, is in custody, US authorities have confirmed.

Secret Service agents spotted the barrel of a rifle poking through some bushes and opened fire at him, officials said. The FBI said Trump was 300-500 yards (275 to 455m) away at the time. [snip]

BBC Verify has found social media profiles matching that name. They indicate that Mr Routh called for foreign fighters to go to Ukraine to battle against Russian forces.

Mr Routh was charged and convicted of numerous offences in Guilford County, North Carolina, between 2002 and 2010, according to a law enforcement source who spoke to CBS News.

The offences included carrying a concealed weapon, resisting arrest, hit and run in a motor vehicle, driving with a revoked licence and possession of stolen property.

The White House said President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris had been briefed about the golf course incident.

"I am relieved that the former president is unharmed," Biden said in a statement. [snip]

Harris issued a statement saying: "I am deeply disturbed by the possible assassination attempt of former President Trump today.

"As we gather the facts, I will be clear: I condemn political violence. We all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more violence."

She also said: "I am thankful that former President Trump is safe" and praised the US Secret Service and police "for their vigilance"...

Initial reports would seem to indicate Routh was a troubled person, often in scrapes with the law, and all over the place politically.  How many more of these confused, anonymous people are out there -- looking to become famous (Butler, PA, shooter Thomas Crooks) or for misguided political reasons -- with weapons they should not have, whether gunning for political leaders or school children? 

The ugly:

Donald Trump has addressed Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris in November’s presidential race by announcing his “hate” of the pop star.

The former president and Republican nominee wrote Sunday on his Truth Social platform: “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!”

Swift five days earlier announced her endorsement of Harris and running mate Tim Walz shortly after the vice-president debated Trump.

In an Instagram post, the 34-year old singer wrote, “I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 presidential election,” adding, “I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos.”

Ex-congresswoman and frequent Trump political opponent Liz Cheney summed up the typical reaction to Sunday’s post, invoking the title of a Swift song and writing on X: “Says the smallest man who ever lived.”

Meanwhile, Swift on Wednesday evening urged her fans to vote during her acceptance of the Video of the Year award at MTV’s Video Music Awards ceremony in Elmont, New York.

“If you are over 18, please register to vote for something else that’s very important … [the] presidential election,” she said...

Words have consequences, as we've seen in the case of the convicted felon Malignant Loser's and his mini- me's inflammatory, racist lies about Haitian immigrants eating the pets of the residents of Springfield, OH. Bomb threats from violent MAGAt sub- morons and other threats of violence are part of their terroristic toolbox, and are deployed at the drop of the Malignant Loser's hat. "Hate" is a strong, triggering word for some people.  Taylor Swift has enough resources to take care of her security needs, but she shouldn't have to put up with this narcissistic buffoon's tantrums on top of everything else.  But keep his infantile mouth shut?  Not the Malignant Loser!


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Across The Universe, Cont. -- "Cloudy With A Chance Of Explosions"


(click on image to enlarge)

From NASA/ ESA, September 9, 2024: The subject of this Hubble Picture of the Week is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo named NGC 5668. It is relatively near to us at 90 million light-years from Earth and quite accessible for astronomers to study with both space- and ground-based telescopes. At first blush, it doesn’t seem like a remarkable galaxy. It is around 90 000 light-years across, similar in size and mass to our own Milky Way galaxy, and its orientation nearly face-on to us shows open spiral arms made of cloudy, irregular patches.

One noticeable difference between the Milky Way galaxy and NGC 5668 is that this galaxy is forming new stars 60% more quickly. This fact belies a galaxy with churning clouds and flows of gas, inclement weather that forms excellent conditions for the formation of new stars! Two main drivers of star formation have been identified by astronomers. Firstly, this high-quality Hubble snapshot reveals a bar at the centre; it might look more like a slight oval shape than a real bar, but it appears to have impacted the galaxy’s star formation rate, as central bars do in many spiral galaxies. Secondly, high-velocity clouds of hydrogen gas have been tracked moving vertically between the disc of the galaxy and the spherical, faint halo which surrounds it. These can be produced by the strong stellar winds of hot, massive stars, and they contribute gas to new star-forming regions.

The enhanced star formation rate in NGC 5668 comes with a corresponding abundance of supernova explosions. Three have been spotted in the galaxy, in 1952, 1954 and 2004. In this image, Hubble was used to examine the surroundings of the Type II SN 2004G, seeking to study the kinds of stars that end their lives as this kind of supernova.

[Image Description: A spiral galaxy, seen up close and face-on. It is coloured yellow and glowing brightly at the oval-shaped centre, showing older and cooler stars, and it becomes bluer out to the edge of the disc where the stars are younger and hotter. It has a number of somewhat patchy spiral arms curling around, with sparkling areas where stars form. The black background can just be seen at the corners.]

Credit:  ESA/Hubble & NASA, C. Kilpatrick

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Bill Day,

(Clay Jones,

(John Buss, @repeat1968)

(David Rowe, Financial Review, Sydney)

(Mike Smith, Las Vegas Sun)

(J.D. Crowe, Alabama Media Group)

(Randy Bish, @Bishtoons)

(Steve Brodner,

(Deng Coy Miel, Singapore)

(John Darkow, Columbia Missourian)

(Bruce Plante,

(Jimmy Margulies, King Features)

(Harley Schwadron,

A Pic That Speaks Volumes

Below, the cult leader and his deputy pose at the 9-11 memorial, wearing identical suits and the ubiquitous red ties of the MAGA cult. JD "Junior Demagogue" Vance is pathetic in his eagerness to please and flatter his patron, someone he once referred to, accurately, as "America's Hitler" and a "moral disaster."  Now this empty opportunist can't kiss the Malignant Loser's rotund rear end enough. It's a symbol of the total takeover of a political party by the Malignant Loser, replacing it with a personality cult whose leader is a sociopathic narcissist, rapist and business fraud. 

(photo: Getty Images)

Trump's Invitation To Violence Against Immigrants


The toxic duo of the Malignant Loser and his mini-me JD "Junior Demagogue" Vance is continuing to fan the fires of violence and bigotry against immigrants, specifically in Springfield, OH and Aurora, CO. The Haitian immigrants are "eating dogs and cats" accusation has gone from being the Malignant Loser's inane and unhinged rant in his "debate" with VP Harris to being a threat to people in those two communities. The Washington Post reports:

"The Haitian eatery cooks were preparing for Thursday’s lunch rush when the phone rang.

'Got any cats or dogs?' a mocking voice asked.

Romane Pierre, the 41-year-old manager of Rose Goute Creole, didn’t want to alarm his staff. They were already nervous. During the presidential debate barely 36 hours earlier, Republican nominee Donald Trump had targeted Haitians in Springfield, falsely accusing them of “eating the pets of the people that live there.”

Pierre summoned his customer-service politeness.

'No,' he replied, 'but we have chicken and pork.'

A crackpot call was a minor disruption compared with that morning’s bomb threat on city hall, conveyed in a message the mayor described as 'hateful' toward immigrants. By Friday, two elementary schools in this southwestern Ohio city had gone into lockdown and evacuated their students. Pierre’s team, who usually kept the restaurant open late, decided to close before dark.

'Everyone’s scared,' he said, keeping an eye on the glass entrance.

The incendiary claims about immigrants that Trump echoed to millions of Americans have turned a dangerous spotlight on those in the cities he keeps name-checking: Springfield and Aurora, Colo., a Denver suburb where he has repeatedly asserted Venezuelan criminals are 'taking over.'

'We’re going to get these people out,' he said in a news conference Friday, intensifying his attack and promising to stage 'the largest deportation in the history of our country' if reelected."  (our emphasis)

If the Malignant Loser's continuing lies and agitation about immigrants isn't domestic terrorism, then what is?  His diseased mind thinks that this will turn attention to his racist proposals to "deport" millions of undocumented immigrants, and away from his utter unfitness for office and mental decline. But after personally killing the most important immigration legislation in decades in order to give him something to run on, voters need to be reminded that it's his dangerous demagoguery that stood in the way of a better situation on the border. In the meantime, his refusal to condemn the increasing threats to Springfield and Aurora need to be called out and condemned over and over.

(photo: Julio-Cesar Chavez / Reuters)


A Thumbnail On Trump Advisor Loony Loomer


We've recently been subjected to the botoxed, surgically sculpted face of the convicted felon Malignant Loser's fascist spirit animal Laura "Loony" Loomer, who's been traveling with him everywhere (where's Melania?!) and likely influencing him to release his inner "immigrants- are- eating- your- cats- and- dogs" demons (a story that's still unfolding and that we'll cover later today). Media Matters' Matt Gertz writes about Loomer (and several other fascist Republican influencers);  here's all you need, or want, to know in two paragraphs:

Loomer is a self-described “proud Islamophobe” who is “pro-white nationalism.” She has claimed there is a “genocide” of “native white populations,” which she says are “being replaced in this country by third-world invaders,” and accused “so many rich Jews” of having “a fixation on trying to destroy America.” She has accused the Biden administration of seeking to assassinate Trump; called for the execution of unnamed “Democrats who are guilty of treason”; said that “all of these communist secretaries of state who try to rig our elections” against Trump “belong in jail for election interference”; and shared a video which claimed “9/11 was an Inside Job!”  [snip]

Loomer has in recent weeks described Harris, whose parents immigrated from India and Jamaica, as “a brain-dead bimbo who sucked so much c**k in order to get to the political position that she's in today,” said she  “is NOT black and never has been,” said her election would ensure that “Ebonics will replace English as the language of our land,” and said that if she’s elected “the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand.”

The quotes in that last paragraph (Black and Indian American voters, take note!)were so over the top that it even prompted anti- Semitic, jilted Malignant Loser rival remora Rep. Marjorie Traitor Greene (Sedition-GA) to call Loomer out for her overt, noxious racism.

Unsubstantiated rumors have also been flying, mostly on X/ Twitter, of the mutual admiration between the two blossoming into something more intimate (blocking mental image of their trysting).  Regardless, the most disturbing aspect of this is the fact that the Malignant Loser -- already an unstable, mentally deteriorating ignoramus -- is taking advice from this toxic troll, even though it's likely to benefit the Harris- Walz campaign in drawing a contrast between them and their "weird," scary opponents.  

Loomer is on the outer frontier of far- right activism;  she's long passed the fascist- adjacent line of demarcation.  That she wields such influence with the weak- minded, easily- manipulated Malignant Loser, who still can pull out a victory, is beyond appalling.

(Imageménage à troll )

Sunday Reflection

"It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous, that you realise just how much you love them!"  -- from An Autobiography by Agatha Christie (9/15/1890 - 1/12/1976). The best-selling fiction writer of all time, Christie's sixty-six detective novels featuring fictional detectives Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot made her an international star of the mystery genre. Her play, "The Mousetrap," is the longest-running play in the world, running since 1952 (with a temporary interruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic) at St. Martin's Theatre in London's West End.

To Christie's point, perhaps we should all be less concerned with looking ridiculous and have more love in our lives.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Peter Brookes, The Times, London)

(Robert Ariail, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, SC)

(Phil Hands, Wisconsin State Journal)

(Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News)

(Signe Wilkinson, Philadelphia Inquirer)

(Ann Telnaes, Washington Post)

(John Darkow, Columbia Missourian)

(Michael de Adder, Halifax Herald, Canada)

(R.J. Matson, CQ/Roll Call)

(Mike Stanfill,

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Martyn Turner, Irish Times, Dublin)

(Lars Kenseth, @larskenseth)

Pic Of The Day -- No Contest


September 10, in downtown Philadelphia, previewing the debate --

Tweets Of The Day


Hoping that the Malignant Loser makes Loony Loomer his chief advisor (maybe more?) --





It also proves that he doesn't know Haiti from Venezuela, among so many other things -- 

The MAGAts will have blood on their hands, but won't care -- 

He's clearly mentally impaired, and it's getting worse by the week -- 

Wouldn't bet the mortgage, but there's always hope -- 

Have a safe and successful flight.  Slava Ukraini!  -- 

The new employee seems ..... different -- 



Dogs And Cats Fable Originator Comes Forward


In the Presidential debate, when the Malignant Loser brought up the made-up story of cats and dogs being eaten by Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, you knew that he'd, pardon the expression, jumped the shark. Now, the Springfield woman whose Facebook post sparked the racist rumor has come forward to further debunk the Malignant Loser and his suck-up pick JD "Junior Demagogue" Vance, per NBC News:

"The woman behind an early Facebook post spreading a harmful and baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating local pets that helped thrust a small Ohio city into the national spotlight says she had no firsthand knowledge of any such incident and is now filled with regret and fear as a result of the ensuing fallout.

'It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,' Erika Lee, a Springfield resident, told NBC News on Friday.

Lee recently posted on Facebook about a neighbor’s cat that went missing, adding that the neighbor told Lee she thought the cat was the victim of an attack by her Haitian neighbors. [snip]

Lee said she had no idea the post would become part of a rumor mill that would spiral into the national consciousness. She has since deleted the Facebook post.  [snip]

Local police and city officials have repeatedly said there is no evidence of such crimes in Springfield, but that hasn’t stopped the lies from spreading across the country and igniting a national frenzy that landed on the presidential debate stage this week. Former President Donald Trump and his running mate Ohio Sen. JD Vance, who was born less than an hour away from Springfield, have repeated the baseless allegations.

Lee said she never imagined her post would become fodder for conspiracy theories and hate."  (our emphasis)

When you have a false story that will fire up racists, it's like catnip to the likes of the Malignant Loser and his little sidekick. It looks like many of the people of Springfield are not happy with their Senator, putting their city being in the national spotlight for all the wrong reasons and with bomb threats being phoned in to city officials. Yesterday in California, the Malignant Loser continued to lie about the false story, saying he'd deport the Springfield Haitians based on nothing but a false, racist rumor. That's in his DNA, so we need to keep him out of the Oval Office.


Sentencing The Insurrectionists -- Kentucky Brain


Another January 6 insurrectionist "hostage" gets his comeuppance:

A Kentucky man was sentenced to prison today after he previously pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement during the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol. His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the 2020 presidential election.

Luke Hoffman, 40, of Dover, was sentenced to 20 months in prison, 36 months of supervised release, and ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution by U.S. District Judge Randolph D. Moss. Hoffman pleaded guilty to two felony charges of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers on April 4, 2024.

According to court documents, Hoffman traveled from his home in Kentucky to Washington, D.C., to participate in a political rally. By approximately 1:25 p.m., Hoffman had positioned himself amid a crowd of rioters on the West Plaza of the U.S. Capitol building and grounds. There, Hoffman joined the crowd in confronting a line of law enforcement officers who were attempting to maintain a defensive perimeter between the rioters and the Capitol.

Hoffman then moved to the front of the crowd of rioters and began to verbally berate the officers manning the police line. Court documents say that when officers attempted to move a segment of metal fencing between themselves and the crowd, Hoffman reacted aggressively. He lunged forward, grabbed the fence segment, and yanked it away from the officers.

At approximately 2:28 p.m., in nearly the same location, the crowd had grown in size and intensity. As rioters began to overrun the group of officers who were still trying to defend the West Plaza, police lines gave way, and Hoffman attacked a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officer. As the officer stood in line with others attempting to keep the rioters at bay, Hoffman sprang out of the crowd, screaming, “What’s up! This is our house!” He then moved toward the officer, who held his baton chest high and in a defensive posture. Hoffman grabbed the baton with both hands and tried to pull it away from the officer while continuing to scream. The officer retained the baton; however, the police line was forced to retreat.  Hoffman and the rest of the crowd marched forward toward the Capitol building.

Later, at approximately 2:30 p.m., with officers now backed into the southern portion of the West Plaza and surrounded by the crowd, Hoffman again joined the mob’s attack against police. An MPD officer who stood at the front of that group of police attempted to disperse the crowd by spaying some particularly aggressive rioters with OC spray. In response, Hoffman stepped forward from the crowd toward the officer, extended his right arm, and unleashed a burst of OC-based spray at the officer, who ducked to try to avoid it. Hoffman then retreated back into the crowd.

After attacking the MPD officer, Hoffman advanced closer to the Capitol, up to the Lower West Terrace. There, he proceeded all the way to the Lower West Terrace entrance, known as “the Tunnel,” where some of the most violent attacks against police officers occurred on January 6th.  For more than twenty minutes, Hoffman stood at the threshold of the Tunnel’s entrance, surrounded by a mob of violent rioters.

While he stood at the mouth of the Tunnel, Hoffman supported other rioters as they attacked the police officers inside. At one point, another rioter, clad in body armor and a helmet, climbed on top of Hoffman and several other rioters. As the armored rioter knelt on Hoffman’s shoulders, he used his elevated position to attack the officers inside the Tunnel with a wooden pole. Hoffman also goaded the crowd around him outside the Tunnel, waving his hand overhead, encouraging the crowd to press further. Finally, at approximately 4:05 p.m., Hoffman left the area outside the Tunnel...

This is what passes for a "patriot" in fascist MAGAworld.  When we read these descriptions that revisit the violence these sub- moron chuds visited upon police officers and the symbols of our democracy, we must resolve to never let them, or their coup leaders, escape accountability.  This year, the most important way to accomplish this is through the ballot.

(Photo: Hoffman, circled / Department of Justice)

Murou, Nara, Japan


A little something different this morning -- a tour of the countryside around Murou village in Nara, Japan, including the Murou Art Forest, Murouji Shrine (a special place of worship for women), the Murou Ryuketsu Shrine, the natural beauty of a local river, plus plenty of food and crafts along the way.  Enjoy the beauty and tranquility.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Dave Whamond,

(John Buss, @repeat1968)

(Matt Davies, Newsday)

(Ed Wexler,

(Rick McKee,

(Jack Ohman, The San Francisco Chronicle)

(Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune; context here)

(Kevin Necessary,

(David Horsey, The Seattle Times)

(Chris Britt,

(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press)

(Joel Pett, Tribune Content Agency)

(Benjamin Slyngstad, @slyngstad_cartoons)

Tweets Of The Day


The Malignant Loser's doubling down on white supremacy (and Loony Loomer) --



🎵 Don't know much about history (or the economy...) --


The Malignant Loser ducks a third debate, taking the "bone spurs" approach --


The Kamala Harris Effect --


The Biden-Harris Effect --


The Malignant Loser Effect --


The Taylor Swift Effect ( -- 


The Mel Brooks Effect? -- 



The Rick Steves Effect? -- 


The drone effect (Happy Friday!) --




Long-Range Missile Use Against Russia In Talks


Today's meeting between British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and President Biden may produce a breakthrough in a decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles at targets in Russia. Biden has been resisting pressure to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles to attack Russian air bases and other military installations from which Russia is launching attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets. CNN reports:

... Ahead of the meeting, US officials said they did not expect Biden would immediately sign-off on allowing US-provided Army Tactical Missile Systems — known as ATACMS — to be launched on targets inside Russia far from the Ukrainian border.

But like the US, the United Kingdom has sent its own long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Kyiv. Their use, along with use of similar weapons from France, is currently limited to within Ukraine, and any change will require US sign-off — a matter for discussion at Friday’s talks.

The president has long resisted calls from Ukrainian officials to ease restrictions on the weapons. But as the war grinds on, and as the US watches with growing concern as Iran supplies Russia with ballistic missiles, intensive discussions have been underway at the White House about a potential change.

'We’re working that out right now,' Biden said when questioned this week whether he would permit Western-provided long-range missiles to target military sites like airfields, missile launchers, fuel tanks and ammunition depots inside Russia."  (our emphasis)

Ukraine has been launching its own drones / UAVs against targets inside Russia, but they lack the power and accuracy of a long-range missile. As the article notes, Iran -- and North Korea -- has been providing Russia with ballistic missiles for use against Ukraine, so the urgency to give Ukraine the approved means to defend itself would seem paramount in the decision. 

At every step in Russia's war against Ukraine, Russian thug and war criminal Vladimir Putin has bluffed the West with belligerent talk, only to back off after much time was wasted. Russia is waging a terrorist campaign against Ukraine; Ukraine should at least be allowed to strike legitimate military targets from where that terrorist campaign is being launched.




Weekend Music


Swedish rock band The Hives released their sixth studio album, "The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons," a year ago, and have just released the video of a single from that album,"Rigor Mortis Radio." ("Randy Fitzsimmons" is the fictional sixth member of the band, btw.)  Hope you enjoy.

QOTD: "Presidential"


In a focus group interview of undecided independents conducted by former Republican pollster Sarah Longwell after Tuesday's debate, a decided shift was observed, as she noted on CNN:

"This focus group was a clean sweep for Harris, both in terms of her winning the debate and in terms of vote choice – they were all going to vote for her. She had kind of gotten them over the hump, and the No. 1 word that came up that really struck me was several people organically referred to her performance as presidential, right, and this is the hump she's trying to get over. Do people see her as presidential, somebody ready for the big chair and for these voters – she got them there with this performance. [snip]

I do think there's always there's something about American voters – they want to be courted, right? They want to be told, these late-breaking undecided ones, but what you see is when she turns in a performance like this, at the end of every election, there's a break in independent voters, they break one way or the other, and I think what she's doing doing is chipping away to the point where when it comes time to break, they've seen enough." (our emphasis)

The debate was clearly a watershed for VP Harris in showing the contrast between a petulant, angry and confused Malignant Loser and a positive, composed and articulate woman who knocked him down. It not only solidified her as "presidential," it also reminded people of the sociopathic ugliness of the Malignant Loser. In the days remaining, VP Harris will be engaged in rallies, town halls and other means of "chipping away" until the remaining "undecideds" have seen enough, and will vote for Harris-Walz in November.


Linda Ronstadt: "Worried About Keeping The Rapist Out Of The White House"


Another music icon has stepped up to denounce the Malignant Loser and his "hate show" (click to enlarge):

She accompanied the statement with this picture:

Score another one for Junior Demagogue Vance!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Jack Ohman, Tribune Content Agency)

(Chip Bok,

(David Rowe, Financial Review, Sydney)

(Carlos Amorim, Correio do Povo, Brazil)

(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press)

(Steve Breen,

(Rob Rogers,

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Lalo Alcaraz, LA Weekly)

(Pedro Molina, Counterpoint)

(Kevin Necessary,

(Matt Wuerker, Politico)

(Joe Heller,

(Paul Noth, The New Yorker)