Yesterday's first cabinet meeting in the Malignant Fascist's second regime was both telling and bizarre. Skipping dipshit co-President and South African transplanted fascist megalomaniac Elon "Dick" Musk held the floor while the MF's sycophantic cabinet sat silently, with only brief interjections from the MF himself who didn't want to be upstaged by his arrogant co-President.'s Brian Karem has details:
"Trump’s first Cabinet meeting was everything you’ve come to expect from Donald Trump: pandering, applause, lies, smiles, accolades, guest appearances, compliments, wrapped up in a tight package of blaming former president Joe Biden as the cause of everything wrong on the planet. 'They spent money like nobody had before,' we were told. And while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dismissed the first death from measles in the United States in the last decade, I half expected Trump to blame Biden and the Democrats for that. Otherwise, there was very little substance in Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting. [snip]
The applause offered for Musk in the Cabinet meeting was enthusiastic on the part of some, perfunctory by others and non-existent in at least one case. Behind the scenes, some members of the Cabinet are not as joyous as they pretend to be about Musk’s attendance, let alone his participation in government." (our emphasis)
Musk's silly and obnoxious "what did you do last week" memo to the entire Executive Branch (and, cluelessly, even some employees of the Judicial Branch) prompted an earlier pushback by some of the attendees in the Cabinet meeting, who nevertheless remained quiet and docile yesterday. Karem continues:
"On Saturday, Musk sent an email to millions of federal workers asking, “What did you do last week?” The Trump/Musk twins, or the Musk/Trump partners – take your pick — have given many reasons for the email. Trump told Musk to be more aggressive in cleaning out deadwood in the government and Musk used that as an impetus to send the email and tell government workers they’d be fired on Monday if they didn’t answer it. Some sued, some sent smart aleck responses and some refused to answer the email.
'No one knew about that,' a senior white house official told me. 'We are in charge of our agencies, not Mr. Musk. We haven’t even had time to evaluate our staff. You can’t just walk in with a baseball bat and start clubbing everyone.'” (our emphasis)
Then there was the spectacle of quack health guru and anti-vaxx proponent RFK, Jr., downplaying the growing measles outbreak in Texas, soon to be visited on your community. From NBC News:
"Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Wednesday appeared to downplay the seriousness of the West Texas measles outbreak that has killed a school-age child.
The child’s death, the first from the disease in a decade in the United States, was confirmed by Katherine Wells, director of public health at the health department in Lubbock, Texas. The child had not been vaccinated against the measles. [snip]
'We are following the measles epidemic every day,' Kennedy said during a meeting with President Donald Trump’s cabinet at the White House. 'Incidentally, there have been four measles outbreaks this year. In this country last year there were 16. So, it’s not unusual. We have measles outbreaks every year.'”
"Downplaying" outbreaks seems to be in the MF's tradition of lying that an viral outbreak will go away, that cost hundreds of thousands of American lives during the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to the MF's minimizing and bungling of the crisis.