Wednesday, September 12, 2007
"Mr. 9/11's" Numbers Slipping
Recent polls are showing considerable shrinkage in Rudy (Rhymes With Doody) Giuliani's support nationwide and in critical primary states. It hasn't helped that "real conservative" Fred "Cornpone/ Leghorn/ Huckleberry" Thompson's in the race officially now. But the real surprise is Walnuts McCain's support shoring up around 18 percent, which is where Rudy had been peeling off support up until now. Also worthy of note: Willard "Muff/Mutt/Mousse/Flip" Romney is barely cracking double digits (10%), and is being beaten in one poll by "Don't Know."
Maybe folks are starting to read more about Rudy's less-than-heroic pre- and post-9/11 actions, his "liberal" positions on "values" issues, his troubled domestic life, or his odd personnel choices?