Pompous dickwad Brit "Hound Dog" Hume apparently thinks it's OK to preach his version of Christianity on the Fux Sunday poo-fling. Referring to Tiger "Hard" Woods' personal recovery from the recent scandal, Rev. Hound Dog claimed that since Woods was Buddhist, there was not the kind of path to redemption as there was in Christianity. Rev. Hound Dog then urged Hard Woods to embrace the Christian faith. The American Taliban has found a new voice!
Moreover, we're not aware of similar advice on redemption from Rev. Hound Dog for such stellar "Christians" as Mark Foley, Larry Craig, David Vitter, John Ensign, Bob Livingston, Newt Gingrich, Chip Pickering, Mark Sanford, and other members of Hound Dog's Rethug flock. Maybe he should tend to his own first.
(photo: Looks like the Reverend's been hitting the bottle)
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