Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingrich Balloon Imploding In Iowa

(Click to enlarge)

(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal Constitution, via

The boomlet for the latest "Please God, Not Romney" candidate, Newt "Poot" Gingrich, appears to have sprung a leak in the first Rethuglican caucus state, Iowa. The "hired larynx" has dropped in two weeks from 27 percent, to 22 percent, to his current 14 percent. He trails poll leader (!) and Stormfront-endorsed Ron Paul, who is at 23 percent, and Willard "Flip-Flop/ Mendacious Mitt" Romney, holding steady at an anemic 20 percent.


  1. I like this site to make the animal balloon ant its too difficulty thats way i like very much to make this type design.BalloonsThanks a lot.
