Monday, April 7, 2014

Gallup: Fewer Uninsured Americans Today

Here's Gallup out with a poll showing Obamacare implementation is resulting in the fewest uninsured Americans since 2008.  (That 18.0 on the chart is approximately when the Obamacare rollout began.) But we know from experts like Republican Sen. John "Can't Spell My Name Without The Ass" Barrasso (Yahoo-WY) that they must be "cooking the books."  Collectivists!

(click to enlarge)

BONUS:  Ed Kilgore gives us the go-to right wing position on accumulating evidence that Obamacare is ... uh, working:
 But let’s remember there is a conservative fallback position if it does ultimately appear Obamacare is working as intended: it just means the number of Americans enslaved by dependence on the federal government is increasing. There simply cannot be any proximate point at which the Right accepts the law as a positive development. Heads they win, tails you lose.
See also "Monday Reading..." post below.