Saturday, February 28, 2015

General Stupidity, Meet Major Irony

Looks like a dose of reality has hit "constitutional sheriff" and  Oathkeeper Richard Mack and his wife:
Former Arizona county sheriff Richard Mack, a fierce opponent of Obamacare and a leader in the "constitutional sheriff" movement, is struggling to pay his medical bills after he and his wife each faced serious illnesses. The former sheriff and his wife do not have health insurance and started a GoFundMe campaign to solicit donations from family and friends to cover the costs of their medical care. 
"Because they are self-employed, they have no medical insurance and are in desperate need of our assistance," reads a note on Mack's personal website. (our emphasis)
So, he'd rather he and his wife go begging than submit to the gummint tyranny of Obamacare! Because Patriot! Also Freedumb!

Will the next right-wing replacement plan for Obamacare be, should the Republicans on the Supreme Court cavalierly gut it, for all the millions of people losing subsidies to start GoFundMe campaigns?

(Photo:  Sheriff Richard Mack, not the brightest star in law enforcement.)

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