The term “Renegade Jew“ trended on Twitter on Sunday night after a Breitbart article used the phrase to describe conservative commentator William Kristol.Here are some of the mocking Twitter reactions:
“Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew Prepares Third Party Effort to block Trump’s Path to White House,” read the headline of the article by Jewish writer David Horowitz.
Renegade Jew is actually my Hebrew name. pic.twitter.com/7xhnRba2dt— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) May 16, 2016
"Renegade Jew" was one of Charles Bronson's really underrated roles. https://t.co/eC4bYgC5qU— daveweigel (@daveweigel) May 16, 2016
'Renegade Jew' is a great name for a Hasidic metal band https://t.co/OcMLimggJ2— Joe Perticone (@JoePerticone) May 16, 2016
And finally,
Turning Bill Kristol into a sympathetic figure is truly Donald Trump’s greatest achievement.— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) May 16, 2016
On a more serious level, Frances Langum draws the connection between the Horowitz rhetoric and the kind of racist, virulent anti- Semitic drool coming from rabid Trump supporters. We're clearly no fans of Wee Willy, but defining a right- wing Jew's opposition to the neo- fascist Trump as "renegade" is so far beyond the pale that it deserves all the mockery and outrage that it's getting.
(Image: "Wee Willy" in happier times.)
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