Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Another Rage-gasm At The Republican Sh*tshow

Clearly, after first night bug- eyed rants by the likes of despicable Rudy "Noun, Verb, 9-11" Giuliani, speakers on the second night of the Republican National Convention Sh*tshow also forgot to take their thorazine.  Just two examples should suffice.

Ben "On Meds?" Carson:
“One of the things I have learned about Hillary Clinton is that one of her heroes is Saul Alinsky,” Carson said.  
Alinsky has been a popular target for the right and his ideas have been tied to President Obama and Clinton. Carson said Alinsky acknowledged Lucifer in one of his books.
That's Ben "On Meds?" version of six degrees of Kevin Bacon, except he cut out four degrees.

Then, Donald "Rump" Trump's personal valet and Big Mac fetcher Gov. Chris "Krispykreme" Christie:
Christie said “every region of the world has been infected with her flawed judgment,” citing Clinton’s resistance to adding Boko Haram to the terrorist watch list. 
“What happened because of this reckless action by the candidate who is the self-proclaimed champion of women around the world? These terrorists abducted hundreds of innocent young girls two years ago,” Christie said. “These schoolgirls are still missing today.

Krispykreme also led the frothing mob in call- and- response chants of "Guilty or not guilty" over delusional examples of Hillary Clinton's ethics.  That's from Mr. Bridgegate.  Or, as Hillary herself puts it:
 BONUS:  As usual, Charles Pierce nails "Big Chicken."

BONUS II: To quote Big Chicken, "We are about to be led by not only a strong leader but by a caring, genuine and decent person". But enough about Hillary Clinton. Bada boom.

BONUS III:  Rude Pundit reviews Big Chicken and Il Douche, Jr. (salty but appropriate to the occasion).

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