Thursday, August 31, 2017

Uncle Ruckus Turns In His Badge

In a bizarre move, Milwaukee County's despicable sheriff David "Uncle Ruckus" Clarke abruptly resigned his position while attending a National Fraternal Order of Police meeting in Nashville. Uncle Ruckus, a favorite of neo-fascist fraudster Donald "Rump" Trump, did not state a reason for his resignation in the resignation letter.

Uncle Ruckus has been the subject of scandals in the running of the Milwaukee County jail, including inmate deaths, and in his frequent absences from his job while out promoting his wingnut brand of law enforcement. This past spring, he was hinting that he was about to get a position with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a boast that proved to be false. We'll see what actually drove him to resign so unexpectedly. The former sheriff, and the turmoil he created, won't be missed in Milwaukee County, as he rides off promoting himself.

(photo: Uncle Ruckus in his western sheriff cosplay outfit, ridin' the mean streets of West Allis? Cudahy?)


  1. Criminal Sheriff Bling Bling gave himself a medal for resigning.

  2. Gene -- He'd fit in perfectly with the criminal Rump administration. Rump just needs to find the most outrageous position for him to occupy.
