ICYMI, Saturday Night Live's cold open last night took aim at lying, woman- beating, befuddled hypocrite Herschel "How Many Abortions" Walker's race for Senator in Georgia against incumbent Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock. The skit features Kenan Thompson, James Austin Johnson, Cicely Strong, and Mikey Day respectively as Walker, Sens. Mitch McConnell, Marsha Blackburn, and John Cornyn. Walker is his usual nonsensical, delusional self talking about the runoff election ("I'm good at those. My ex-wife says all I do is run off"), and says he's ready to "chew ass and kick bubblegum. And I'm all out of dubblebum." Walker's no joke though, Georgia, so vote on Tuesday, December 6, and keep Sen. Rev. Warnock in the Senate.