Friday, June 21, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Christopher Weyant,

(John Darkow, Columbia Missourian)

(Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune)

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Clay Jones,

(Jeff Stahler,

(Lalo Alcaraz, LA Weekly)

(Rob Rogers,

(Patrick Chappatte, The Boston Globe)

(Jeremy Nguyen, The New Yorker)

Republican SCOTUS Delays Trump Immunity Opinion Again


For another week, the illegitimate Republican Supreme Court has delayed its opinion in Trump v. United States, determining whether and to what extent the convicted felon Malignant Loser has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while in office.  They've been dragging their feet since February 12, 2024.  Of course, the effect of their ongoing delay is to push the Malignant Loser's criminal trial for election interference to beyond the November election, an outcome similarly desired by Malignant Loser- appointed Judge Aileen Cannon in the classified documents case in Florida.  The next scheduled date for opinions is Wednesday, June 26, though more opinions may be issued in July, almost certainly making justice delayed justice denied, at least before voters go to the polls.

(Cartoon:  Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


The truth must be told --



The truth (i.e, "real" vs. "feel") --




Listen up, vets --


Putin asset spouts anti- American Russian propaganda -- 

Meanwhile, Biden helps Ukraine defend itself --


Godly Republican + stripper + gun = felony --



Maybe she caught a brain worm from her running mate? --



You next, Will Lewis? --





Donald Sutherland, 1935-2024 --



Going for the gold chocolate (Happy Friday!) --




Weekend Music Twofer


How perfect is it that Beach Boys' founder Brian Wilson was born on the Summer solstice 82 years ago yesterday, since the sonic genius was responsible for creating an entire Music of Summer zeitgeist -- sun, surf, cars, and California?!  Recently placed in conservatorship, Wilson is considered one of the most influential and innovative songwriters and producers of the 20th Century.  When asked in 2015 what his favorite composition was, he responded "Darlin'" (sung by brother Carl, R.I.P.), which also happens to be one of our favorites, too.

We're also featuring another "summer sound" by a politically and socially active Philadelphia- area band now based in, where else, Los Angeles.  Mt. Joy has a single, "Highway Queen," which can only be described as rollicking, from an upcoming album (TBA).  Here they are performing it at LA's Troubadour.  Hope you enjoy.

The Republican Convention And January 6 Rioters

The MAGA Republican convention is coming up next month in "horrible" Milwaukee, and there's internal debate over what, if any, role the Malignant Loser's beloved rioters will have at the convention. From Semafor:

"Donald Trump has loudly touted his support for the hundreds of Jan. 6 participants who’ve faced charges, convictions, and imprisonment all year. Now they’re ready for their close-up at the Republican convention — but there’s no indication that it’s coming.

The Republican National Committee and Trump campaign aides are keeping their cards close to the vest on any convention decisions. (An RNC official, when asked about possible plans surrounding Jan. 6 and the convention, said in a statement that 'speculation on programming and speakers is just that.') But a lawyer who’s been a key connector between Jan. 6 defendants and Trump’s campaign says he’s seen no indication planners are interested in taking up offers to have a speaker representing the cause be featured at the upcoming event. [snip]

No doubt many Republicans will breathe a sigh of relief reading the above news. Jan. 6 is still a difficult issue within the party, even as Trump has largely squashed Republican complaints about his attempt to overturn the 2020 election for now. Recent Biden ads also feature images of the Capitol riot and the president seems at his most animated when he’s denouncing Trump as a threat to democracy." (our emphasis)

The Malignant Loser's continued peddling of his Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen has given him and his cult the opening to call the seditionist thugs that broke into the Capitol and battled police "patriots" and "political prisoners." He's no doubt eager for them and the neo-Brown Shirt "Proud" Boys and Oath Keepers to make their presence felt in the streets of Milwaukee. 

Of course, the featured presence of the Malignant Loser's violent thugs would be a gift to President Biden, whose campaign is featuring videos of the Trumpist riot to overthrow the 2020 election. There's no better way to demonstrate the profound unfitness of the Malignant Loser that to show his embrace of the mob that tried to destroy democracy on January 6.

(photo: Trump rioters storm the Capitol. Brent Stirton / Getty Images)

Kimmel On Giuliani's Latest Scam


ICYMI, Jimmy Kimmel had some fun last night with Trump's VP candidates, the decision to post the 10 Commandments in Louisiana schools (guess who's violated each Commandment), George "Kitara" Santos on OnlyFans, and disgraced and bankrupt consigliere Rudy "Toot Toot" Giuliani's latest scam. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cannon's Latest Stall Of The Classified Docs Case

Tomorrow, Trump-appointed Federal District Judge Aileen Cannon will hear endless, lame arguments as to why the classified documents case against the Malignant Loser should be dropped over the legality of Special Counsel Jack Smith's appointment. It's a case where the Malignant Loser clearly stole classified documents from the White House and took them to his estate Merde O'Lardo, failing to secure them properly. Tomorrow's hearing is one of many defense-friendly hurdles that the Malignant Loser-friendly judge has put up to drag the trial out after the November elections. However, should Cannon rule that Smith's appointment -- and therefore the indictment he brought -- is illegal, the Department of Justice would likely seek Cannon's removal from the case due to her clear bias. From the Daily Beast:

"Last week, a band of conservative activists threw its support behind Trump, arguing that the real problem here is that the AG shouldn’t have plucked Smith from his job as an anti-corruption prosecutor in Europe, and instead should have tapped one of the nation’s active 93 Senate-confirmed U.S. Attorneys. The Trump-friendly argument conveniently says that 'nearly all the special prosecutors appointed during the past 40 years—aside from Smith and Robert Mueller—have been lawfully appointed.' [snip]

'It’s a trivial question that ought not to have any serious consideration at all. We’ve had numerous cases that have gone forward before, and it’s not a serious argument that’s being made,' he told The Daily Beast. 'The case has been unnecessarily delayed and it should be much farther than it is. Indeed, it probably should have gone to trial.' [snip]

Fast-forward to now, and Smith will be fighting to keep the case alive. If Cannon rules against him, legal scholars say he might have the ammunition he needs to finally request the judge’s recusal from the case.

But no matter what happens on Friday, Judge Cannon has already gotten what she wanted. The case has been pushed back so far that legal experts say it’s unlikely it will go to trial before the election."  (our emphasis)

Cannon needs to be sanctioned at some point for her incompetent and biased handling of this national security case against her patron. Sooner rather than later.

(photo: Felon and follower) 


Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Andy Marlette,

(Jack Ohman, Tribune Content Agency)

(Steve Greenberg,

(Marty Two Bulls,

(Jeff Danziger, The Rutland Herald, VT)

(Rob Rogers,

(Mike Peters, Dayton Daily News)

(Matt Wuerker, Politico)

(Osmani Simanca,, Brazil)

(John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

(Mike Smith, Las Vegas Sun)

(Vaughan Tomlinson, @vaughantomlinson)

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


The perversity of MAGA Republicans on full display --

Whiny Malignant Loser mad at Fux because they show Biden narrowly leading -- 



Supreme Court's foot-dragging on Trump immunity continues -- 



Amen. -- 

Defeating Republican voter suppression tactics one state at a time -- 

The Smoot-Hawley Act tariffs deepened the Depression; Trump wants to impose the same -- 

Russian war crimes in Ukraine.... -- 

.....and Russian nuclear blackmail elsewhere -- 

"You there, open this jar of snacks for me now!" -- 




QOTD -- Imposing A Preferred Religious Doctrine


“We are preparing a lawsuit to challenge H.B. 71. The law violates the separation of church and state and is blatantly unconstitutional. The First Amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice, without pressure from the government. Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools.

“Louisiana’s communities and public schools are religiously diverse, yet H.B. 71 would require school officials to promote specific religious beliefs to which people of many faiths, and those of no faith, do not subscribe. Even among those who may believe in some version of the Ten Commandments, the particular text that they adhere to can differ by religious denomination or tradition. The government should not be taking sides in this theological debate, and it certainly should not be coercing students to submit day in and day out to unavoidable promotions of religious doctrine.

“All students should feel safe and welcome in our public schools. H.B. 71 would undermine this critical goal and prevent schools from providing an equal education to all students, regardless of faith. We will not allow Louisiana lawmakers to undermine these religious-freedom rights.” -- press release from the American Civil Liberties Union and associated groups, on the law just signed in Louisiana by MAGAt Christofascist Gov. Jeff "Jeff Davis" Landry, which requires all elementary, secondary and post-secondary public schools in that state to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom.  Landry had said "I can't wait to get sued" over the law, so his wait wasn't long.  He's counting on the illegitimate Republican Supreme Court with six ultra- conservative Catholic pols to somehow finesse the clear language of the establishment clause in the First Amendment and to allow the unconstitutional displays.  Regardless, Christofascist Republicans want to make this yet another culture war wedge issue during the 2024 campaign, with their notably pious "Christian" cult leader leading the charge.  This is where "Christian nationalism" is headed in this country.

Meanwhile, the ACLU summed it all up:  "Public schools are not Sunday schools."

Last Of Lindell's Lawyers Quit Him

Insane conspiracy monger and election denier Mein Pillow's Mike Lindell was formally notified that the last lawyer defending him in his "Prove Me Wrong Challenge" case has resigned. The case concerns a $5 million bet that Lindell offered if anyone could prove his asinine theory that the election interference in 2020. Robert Zeidman (apparently a Trump supporter himself) won the bet, and the Mein Pillow guy welched and was taken to court. From

"Minnesota pillow magnate Mike Lindell has lost his final lawyer in a civil lawsuit over a disastrous challenge in which he failed to prove electoral interference and is now on the hook for over $5 million.

In 2021, the outspoken supporter of former President Donald Trump issued the “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge at a South Dakota election fraud symposium — showcasing data purportedly proving the People’s Republic of China had interfered with the 2020 U.S. election.

Engineer Robert Zeidman — himself a Trump supporter — picked up the poly-foam gauntlet thrown down by the onetime QVC star. Despite highly doubting his own abilities, Zeidman won the contest. [snip]

'Counsel for Respondent has notified the Court by email that he can no longer serve as lead counsel for Respondent,' Magistrate Judge Dulce J. Foster wrote in a terse June 4 order.

That order also reset a previously scuttled hearing in the case for late July. That hearing had originally been scheduled for late May. It was canceled the day before it was set to be held because none of Lindell’s attorneys would be able to attend."

Much as he (and we) would like, he can't be his own lawyer, since a a business entity cannot represent itself, according to the magistrate judge in the case. The dumbass has had legal representation before, but failed to pay those lawyers and they bailed on him. Also, his lawyers know Lindell's a headcase, and were likely worried that if the case went to further appeals, they'd have to file specious motions which could result in a reprimand at the least. When your crazy mouth is constantly getting you sued, you might want to shut it occasionally.

(photo: Denver Post via Getty Images)


Dementia Don's Mental State


"Liberal redneck" Trae Crowder starts us off today with some amusing observations about the worsening mental state of convicted felon Malignant Loser, and the upcoming debates (includes paid promo).

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Jeff Darcy, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

(Jesse Duquette, @_jesseduquette)

(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

(John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

(David Horsey, The Seattle Times)

(Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune)

(Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News)

(Chris Britt,

(Pedro Molina, Counterpoint)

(Jeff Koterba,

(Adam Douglas Thompson, @adamdthompson)

QOTD: "Something Is Rotten At The Court"

University of Michigan law professor Leah Litman writing in the op-ed page of the New York effing Times on the Republican-packed Supreme Court's slow walking a key and obvious ruling on whether the Malignant Loser / Orange Turd is above the law, as he claims:

"For those looking for the hidden hand of politics in what the Supreme Court does, there’s plenty of reason for suspicion on Donald Trump’s as-yet-decided immunity case given its urgency. There are, of course, explanations that have nothing to do with politics for why a ruling still hasn’t been issued. But the reasons to think something is rotten at the court are impossible to ignore.

On Feb. 28, the justices agreed to hear Mr. Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution on charges that he plotted to subvert the 2020 election. The court scheduled oral arguments in the case for the end of April. That eight-week interval is much quicker than the ordinary Supreme Court briefing process, which usually extends for at least 10 weeks. But it’s considerably more drawn out than the schedule the court established earlier this year on a challenge from Colorado after that state took Mr. Trump off its presidential primary ballot. The court agreed to hear arguments on the case a mere month after accepting it and issued its decision less than a month after the argument. Mr. Trump prevailed, 9-0.

Nearly two months have passed since the justices heard lawyers for the former president and for the special counsel’s office argue the immunity case. The court is dominated by conservatives nominated by Republican presidents. Every passing day further delays a potential trial on charges related to Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office after losing the 2020 election and his role in the events that led to the storming of the Capitol; indeed, at this point, even if the court rules that Mr. Trump has limited or no immunity, it is unlikely a verdict will be delivered before the election."  (our emphasis)

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who has been ready to try this case for months, is ready to start proceedings should a ruling denying the Malignant Loser's argument is made, allowing 81 days for preparation. That would bump right up against the election timeframe, if not after, given the Malignant Loser's lawyers habit of filing delaying motions to the court. The right-wing Justices blocking a speedy ruling on the Malignant Loser's risible claim of total immunity is despicable, and another blow to the rule of law.

(photo: University of Michigan Law School)

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


Juneteenth --




The convicted felon Malignant Loser's "heads I win, tails Biden loses" election strategy --



Pathological liar lies --



... Dimbulb suckers eat it up --


More than "the border" --


Despite the best efforts of the Christofascist MAGA Republican party/ cult --



 Bibi's gotta go --



More bad choices --


Two legends reminiscing --




Mid-Week Songs


Happy 73rd birthday to singer and half of the band Heart, Ann Wilson. With her sister and guitarist Nancy, Heart formed in Seattle in 1973 and 50 million record sales later were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Here is Heart, with Ann Wilson's powerful voice, on 1987's "Alone."

And, just for fun, Stephen Colbert did a video satire of the unhinged Malignant Loser's memory gap when he misidentified his doctor, the disgraced pill-pusher Ronny Jackson, as "Ronny Johnson." Then, British duo The Ting Tings with "That's Not My Name," the song that inspired Colbert's satire (also, her name is Katie White).

Willie Mays, 1931-2024

Tributes (more here) are coming in after the death yesterday of baseball great Willie Mays at 93. Mays played most of his phenomenal career with the Giants, first in New York City, then in San Francisco, and was elected almost unanimously to the baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY, in 1979. Mays' accomplishments are legendary, as summarized by Major League Baseball writer Chris Haft:

"Mays still holds lifetime Major League records for putouts by an outfielder (7,095), homers by a center fielder (640) and homers in extra innings (22) -- most notably a 16th-inning drive that ended a classic scoreless standoff between Warren Spahn and Juan Marichal on July 2, 1963, in San Francisco.

Thriving in All-Star Games enhanced Mays' image as the consummate ballplayer. He holds or shares All-Star records for appearances (24), at-bats (75), runs (20), hits (23), triples (three), extra-base hits (eight) and total bases (40). His feats moved Ted Williams, another of the game's greats, to proclaim, "They invented the All-Star Game for Willie Mays." Mays received another All-Star tribute when he was honored before the 2007 Midsummer Classic at San Francisco's AT&T Park." 

Mays' 1979 Hall of Fame enshrinement was a mere formality. He received 409 of 432 votes cast -- 94.7 percent, one of the highest ever to that point. [snip]

Mays performed with a singular flair that made him one of the game's most popular stars. He used a basket catch to snare fly balls, holding his glove around waist level. He ran the bases with equal parts abandon and acumen, prompting the great Ty Cobb to declare that Mays restored the art of baserunning to the game. Displaying a refreshing enthusiasm early in his career, he frequently greeted people with a high-pitched 'Hey,' leading New York sportswriters to dub him 'The Say Hey Kid.' A generation of Little Leaguers and even professionals from coast to coast ached to wear No. 24, hopeful of emulating the great Mays." (our emphasis)

Statistics don't begin to portray the impact Mays had on baseball. He was a contemporary of the likes of Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle and Stan Musial, among many others of high calibre, but seemed to have an extra dimension in both his hitting and fielding. 

Mays brought an infectious joy to his game that the fans reflected back. In 2015, President Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Sadly, the "Say Hey Kid" was to be honored at Birmingham, Alabama's Rickwood Field where he was a member of the old Negro League's Black Barons team from 1948 to 1950 as part of its Juneteenth celebration. 

(photo: Sports Illustrated)



A brief explanation of why we celebrate Juneteenth from the National Museum of African American History and Culture:

On “Freedom’s Eve,” or the eve of January 1, 1863, the first Watch Night services took place. On that night, enslaved and free African Americans gathered in churches and private homes all across the country awaiting news that the Emancipation Proclamation had taken effect. At the stroke of midnight, prayers were answered as all enslaved people in Confederate States were declared legally free. Union soldiers, many of whom were black, marched onto plantations and across cities in the south reading small copies of the Emancipation Proclamation spreading the news of freedom in Confederate States. Only through the Thirteenth Amendment did emancipation end slavery throughout the United States.

But not everyone in Confederate territory would immediately be free. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was made effective in 1863, it could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. As a result, in the westernmost Confederate state of Texas, enslaved people would not be free until much later. Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as "Juneteenth," by the newly freed people in Texas. 

The post-emancipation period known as Reconstruction (1865-1877) marked an era of great hope, uncertainty, and struggle for the nation as a whole. Formerly enslaved people immediately sought to reunify families, establish schools, run for political office, push radical legislation and even sue slaveholders for compensation. Given the 200+ years of enslavement, such changes were nothing short of amazing. Not even a generation out of slavery, African Americans were inspired and empowered to transform their lives and their country.

Juneteenth marks our country’s second independence day. Although it has long celebrated in the African American community, this monumental event remains largely unknown to most Americans...

The President's Proclamation on Juneteenth Day of Observance is here. President Biden signed the law making Juneteenth a Federal holiday on Juneteenth in 2021.

More information on Juneteenth and how it's commemorated, can be found here.  As for finding observances in your area, querying your search engine is probably the easiest approach.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Robert Ariail, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, SC)

(Jack Ohman, Tribune Content Agency)

(Dave Granlund,

(Gary Markstein,

(Guy Parsons,

(R.J. Matson, CQ/Roll Call)

 (Pedro Molina, Counterpoint)

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Joe Heller,

(Mike Smith, Las Vegas Sun)

(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

(Ellis Rosen, @EllisRosen)