(click on images to enlarge)

(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

(Rob Rogers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

(Tim Eagan, via gocomics.com)
Perspectives on politics, culture, and the media since 2006
President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2018 as National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month [Gag. Vomit.]
During National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, we remain steadfast in our efforts to stop crimes of sexual violence, provide care for victims, enforce the law, prosecute offenders, and raise awareness about the many forms of sexual assault. We must continue our work to eliminate sexual assault from our society and promote safe relationships, homes, and communities. ["Starting with me, President Spanky," he didn't say.]
Sexual assault crimes remain tragically common in our society, and offenders too often evade accountability. These heinous crimes are committed indiscriminately: in intimate relationships, in public spaces, and in the workplace. [eg., by President Spanky]
We must respond to sexual assault by identifying and holding perpetrators accountable. Too often, however, the victims of assault remain silent. They may fear retribution from their offender, lack faith in the justice system, or have difficulty confronting the pain associated with the traumatic experience. [Perhaps some hush money can do the trick, or a threat of violence.] My Administration is committed to raising awareness about sexual assault and to empowering victims to identify perpetrators so that they can be held accountable. We must make it as easy as possible for those who have suffered from sexual assault to alert the authorities and to speak about the experience with their family and friends. [Or they could, for example, sell their story exclusively to The National Enquirer and watch it get buried.]
When victims seek help, responses must be carefully tailored to the context in which the sexual assault occurred and the unique needs of each victim. To better assist victims, the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women has developed the Sexual Assault Victim Intervention Services Technical Assistance Center (SAVIS TAC). This new resource will help community officials and organizations appropriately respond to sexual assault by expanding their understanding of the type of support likely to be effective in each unique circumstance. Participants in the SAVIS TAC initiative will use available funds to provide intensive training and resources to service providers. With these resources, service providers, including rape crisis centers and other sexual assault and domestic violence organizations can build organizational and staff capacity for providing comprehensive sexual assault victim intervention services. [Need to set up a large special corps to support responses regarding the actions of President Spanky, a.k.a David Dennison]
Together, during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we recommit ourselves to doing our part to help stop sexual violence. We must not be afraid to talk about sexual assualt and sexual assult prevention with our loved ones, in our communities, and with those who have experienced these tragedies. We must encourage victims to report sexual assault and law enforcement to hold offenders accountable, and we must support victims and survivors unremmittingly. [Send reports to Michael Avenatti, c/o Stormy Daniels] Through a concerted effort to better educate ourselves, empower victims, and punish criminals, our Nation will move closer to ending the grief, fear, and suffering caused by sexual assult[sic]. The prevention of sexual violence is everyone’s concern. [Except for President Spanky, who has been above the law up to now.]You feel like you stepped through the looking glass with Alice? Us, too.
Fox News show host Laura Ingraham announced on her show late Friday that she is taking next week off, after almost a dozen advertisers dropped her show after the conservative pundit mocked a teenage survivor of the Florida school massacre on Twitter.Here's the latest update on the companies no longer advertising on Ingraham's Fox "News" hate fest:
The companies announcing that they are cancelling their ads are: Nutrish, the pet food line created by celebrity chef Rachael Ray, travel website TripAdvisor Inc (TRIP.O), online home furnishings seller Wayfair Inc (W.N), the world’s largest packaged food company, Nestle SA (NESN.S), online streaming service Hulu, travel website Expedia Group Inc (EXPE.O) and online personal shopping service Stitch Fix (SFIX.O).
According to CBS News, four other companies joined the list Friday: the home office supply store Office Depot, the dieting company Jenny Craig, the Atlantis, Paradise Island resort and Johnson & Johnson which produces pharmaceuticals as well as consumer products such as Band-Aids, Neutrogena beauty products and Tylenol.It was almost a year ago that fellow Fox fascist Bill "O'Liely" O'Reilly, under fire for multiple sexual harassment claims accompanied by the flight of advertisers on his show, announced a surprise, unscheduled vacation -- during which he was fired from the network. May the same fate befall the odious Ms. Ingraham (though she would be replaced by another odious creature -- you've noticed Fox has lots of them).
And some "thoughts and prayers" from "God":A telling thing about fallout from Ingraham's slam on on Parkland FL HS shooting survivor turned activist David Hogg: Hulu is among the advertisers pulling out. Fox News' parent company, 21st Century Fox, owns 30% of Hulu. https://t.co/u14ZkoyacO— David Folkenflik (@davidfolkenflik) March 30, 2018
Everyone knows that in Fox News land ‘going on vacation’ means ‘you’re cancelled!’— God (@TheGoodGodAbove) March 31, 2018
In this holiest of weeks, sending Laura Ingraham thoughts and prayers.
The photo is real. @therealroseanne burned cookies that looked like people in an oven while dressed as Adolph Hitler. I am actually crying. I think of the anguish of my family. I think of this little boy, Antosh, my sons' great uncle, murdered at 11. One of Roseanne's cookies. pic.twitter.com/rEWWk6ezfW— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) March 29, 2018
The fact is that those pictures Rump used were of a 2- mile stretch of what was a scrap metal barrier in Calexico (dating back to the '90s) being replaced, an upgrade that had been planned for years.Great briefing this afternoon on the start of our Southern Border WALL! pic.twitter.com/pmCNoxxlkH— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2018
“The fundamental promise is ‘I will keep the brown people away from you,'. The modality is ‘I will build a wall. Mexico will pay for it.’ There is no wall. There is no funding for a wall. He’s got these four pieces of concrete, sample sections in California, which I call ‘Douche-henge.’ It’s a symbol for these people, these suckers that believe the wall is real.” (our emphasis)We've checked Rump's Twitter feed so you don't have to, and yes, there are many suckers who "think" the wall is going up and Rump is keeping his promise. (Sic transit gloria, America.)
"We know of no law that allows us to disregard the (statute). Representative government and the election of our representatives are never 'unnecessary,' never a 'waste of taxpayer resources,' and the calling of the special elections are, as the governor acknowledges, his 'obligation.'"Translation: "Do your damn job, Scottie." The primary elections for the two seats will occur in May, and the general elections will occur in June.
I am pleased to announce that I intend to nominate highly respected Admiral Ronny L. Jackson, MD, as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2018
... Unfortunately, the department has become entangled in a brutal power struggle, with some political appointees choosing to promote their agendas instead of what’s best for veterans. These individuals, who seek to privatize veteran health care as an alternative to government-run V.A. care, unfortunately fail to engage in realistic plans regarding who will care for the more than 9 million veterans who rely on the department for life-sustaining care.
The private sector, already struggling to provide adequate access to care in many communities, is ill-prepared to handle the number and complexity of patients that would come from closing or downsizing V.A. hospitals and clinics, particularly when it involves the mental health needs of people scarred by the horrors of war. Working with community providers to adequately ensure that veterans’ needs are met is a good practice. But privatization leading to the dismantling of the department’s extensive health care system is a terrible idea. The department’s understanding of service-related health problems, its groundbreaking research and its special ability to work with military veterans cannot be easily replicated in the private sector.
I have fought to stand up for this great department and all that it embodies. In recent months, though, the environment in Washington has turned so toxic, chaotic, disrespectful and subversive that it became impossible for me to accomplish the important work that our veterans need and deserve. I can assure you that I will continue to speak out against those who seek to harm the V.A. by putting their personal agendas in front of the well-being of our veterans.
As many of you know, I am a physician, not a politician. I came to government with an understanding that Washington can be ugly, but I assumed that I could avoid all of the ugliness by staying true to my values. I have been falsely accused of things by people who wanted me out of the way. But despite these politically-based attacks on me and my family’s character, I am proud of my record and know that I acted with the utmost integrity. Unfortunately, none of that mattered.
As I prepare to leave government, I am struck by a recurring thought: It should not be this hard to serve your country. (our emphasis)Now with Shulkin's departure, as with so many other Federal functions being scrutinized for privatization (i.e, profit centers for Cadet Bone Spurs' cronies), the VA is especially vulnerable to for- profit vultures like this. Having Dr. Ronny at the helm means there will be no one with the stature or guts to stand up to the grifters who see a privatized, scaled- down system of veterans care as a potential cash cow. No doubt Dr. Ronny's diagnosis, after a careful "examination," will be that a privatized VA will be "excellent."
"Do you blame Orange County for voting the way they did, given the fact that they don't want Orange County to turn into San Francisco? Meaning, they don't want the hypodermic needles in the streets, they don't want the human feces all over all these blocks...They don't want what San Francisco has, double the rate of the state crime rate."Ingraham wants her viewers to believe the false narrative that sanctuary cities are a haven for criminals, etc., when in fact crime in those cities isn't affected by their sanctuary status one way or the other. Sounds like feces from Ingraham to us.
How low are your ratings @IngrahamAngle that you have to start attacking my brother’s grades to get attention? If you ask me, he is more articulate than you and has far better character. Man, that’s real low even for you. Coming from a 14 year old, please grow up. #NeverAgain https://t.co/CgUVeGRfxP— Lauren Hogg (@lauren_hoggs) March 28, 2018
Pick a number 1-12 contact the company next to that #— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) March 29, 2018
Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers
1. @sleepnumber
2. @ATT
3. Nutrish
4. @Allstate & @esurance
5. @Bayer
6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage
7. @LibertyMutual
8. @Arbys
9. @TripAdvisor
10. @Nestle
11. @hulu
12. @Wayfair
We are in the process of removing our ads from Laura Ingraham’s program.— Nutrish (@Nutrish) March 29, 2018
Ann Coulter is still the devil in human form, but I can't lie... I lol'd at this. pic.twitter.com/st6gcCRh9y— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) March 26, 2018
#BREAKING: Democrats come within 5% of flipping an AL state lege. seat that Trump won by 22%, Romney by 33. The average swing in special elections is D+13.— G. Elliott Morris📈🤷♂️ (@gelliottmorris) March 28, 2018
Per my models, Dems are heading for the biggest wave election since the GOP revolution in 1994https://t.co/lyfCuiTd40 pic.twitter.com/7SW6RRHYod
"I’m also more of a hawk on immigration than even the president. My view was these DACA kids shouldn’t all be allowed to stay in the country legally."Clearly, "self-deportation" fan Mittens has re-activated that bigoted political sensory chip, stuck a wet digit in the air, and decided to go full xenophobe on the Dreamers, that is until he makes another run for President and decides he needs "the Hispanics." Let's hope between now and then that Mittens doesn't suggest transporting them out in car top carriers. That's for dogs.
“It’s of great regret that Julian Assange remains in the Ecuador embassy. It’s about time that this miserable little worm walked out of the embassy and gave himself up to British justice.” (emphasis added)Assange has been holed up in the embassy since 2012, a fugitive from Swedish police who wanted to question him about sex crimes and from British authorities for jumping bail before entering the embassy. Assange claims to fear extradition to the U.S. for publishing U.S. military and diplomatic secrets if he leaves the embassy, but given his friend in the Oval Office, he may end up in a private suite at Mar-A-Lago.
"Hold for the President please..." pic.twitter.com/emvvx98cdc— Schooley (@Rschooley) March 27, 2018
"Hold for the President please..." pic.twitter.com/hZvk43wym5— Schooley (@Rschooley) March 27, 2018
"Hold for the President please..." pic.twitter.com/CICACjDJ5l— Schooley (@Rschooley) March 27, 2018
"But in that final month on the trail, there was something else weighing on Trump’s mind, even more than the assault allegations. According to three top campaign officials, speaking to The Daily Beast on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations, Trump began pressing senior staffers about the specific dates that the women were alleging that the assaults, affairs, or harassment took place." (emphasis added)It's noteworthy that the dates were so important to him. The article continues:
"If the date fell within the time period of the early stage of his marriage to Melania Trump—and the birth of their son Barron—Trump would suddenly care more about the story and quiz campaign aides more closely about it. Officials concluded that Trump’s true concern was not so much being accused of sexual harassment as it was, in the words of one aide, about 'pissing off Melania.'” (emphasis added)There are numerous articles about what would happen if the Rumps divorced, for example here, here, and here. What's not clear yet is whether their prenuptial agreement would be voided in whole or part if one or the other engaged in an adulterous affair, but it's doubtlessly one or the other. When it's proven that he engaged in affairs (with Daniels and Karen McDougal) while married to his wife, in violation of the prenup, Ms. Rump would stand to cash in bigly. That is what the dates and "pissing off Melania" is all about; he doesn't care about her humiliation, her anger, or her betrayal. He's thinking about their prenuptial agreement stripping him of a lot of money / property if she decides to divorce, which we hope she does at the right time.
At left is @tyler_mitchell’s photo of @Emma4Change for the cover of @TeenVogue. At right is what so-called “Gun Rights Activists” have photoshopped it into. #MarchForOurLives pic.twitter.com/jW6tTOv2Db— Phillip Picardi (@pfpicardi) March 25, 2018
Actor Adam Baldwin [Alec's half- wit brother] tweeted the doctored video to his over 200,000 followers. The Twitter account for Gab, a social network popular with the alt-right that’s similar to Twitter, also shared the video, which now has more than 1,700 retweets. Gab has also been tweeting other altered photos and memes of González.
A Republican candidate for the Maine House of Representatives has used Twitter to attack two students who survived a mass shooting at a Florida high school, calling one of them a "skinhead lesbian" and the other a "bald-faced liar."
"There is nothing about this skinhead lesbian that impresses me and there is nothing that she has to say unless you're frothing at the mouth moonbat," Leslie Gibson wrote about 18-year-old Emma Gonzalez, one of the most visible student activists to emerge from the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which left 17 people dead.Nothing says, "We care about our children; they're the future of our country" than these bullying attacks on a courageous, articulate teenager who's doing more -- under the most difficult circumstances -- to make this a better America than all the aforementioned penis- compensating right- wingers combined ever have or ever will.
As President Trump heads into one of the most critical phases of the special counsel’s investigation, his personal legal team has shrunk to essentially just one member, and he is struggling to find any top lawyers willing to represent him.
Working for a president is usually seen as a dream job. But leading white-collar lawyers in Washington and New York have repeatedly spurned overtures to take over the defense of Mr. Trump, a mercurial client who often ignores his advisers’ guidance. In some cases, lawyers’ firms have blocked any talks, fearing a backlash that would hurt business.
The president lost two lawyers in just the past four days, including one who had been on board for less than a week.
Joseph diGenova, a longtime Washington lawyer who has pushed theories on Fox News that the F.B.I. made up evidence against Mr. Trump, left the team on Sunday. He had been hired last Monday, three days before the head of the president’s personal legal team, John Dowd, quit after determining that the president was not listening to his advice. Mr. Trump had also considered hiring Mr. diGenova’s wife, Victoria Toensing, but she will also not join the team.
That leaves the president with just one personal lawyer who is working full time on the special counsel’s investigation as Mr. Trump is facing one of the most significant decisions related to it: whether to sit for an interview.
That lawyer, Jay Sekulow, is a conservative commentator who made his name on religious freedom cases. Mr. Sekulow is in talks with other lawyers about joining the team, although it is not clear how far those discussions have progressed.Special Counsel Robert Mueller's A- Team against (heehee) lawyer / grifter Jay Sekulow. That's just not fair (and fittingly so!).
Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.
During the Frances & Friends program, Swaggart reacted to an estimated 800,000 people who called for gun control by marching in Washington, D.C. over the weekend.
“People have got to address the fact that kids today are being put in school where there’s no morals,” the television evangelist announced. “Because we’ve taken God out of the school. And there’s no resistance then to anything that Satan throws these kids’ way.”
“Today’s gun control and confiscation rally was nothing new,” she added, reading from a paper provided by a fellow panelist. “Nazis and leftists have been using children for decades in their attempts to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.”Bibi (Rump's Israeli cheerleader) been bad:
Israeli police questioned Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday over his alleged dealings with the country’s largest telecommunication company, a police spokesman said, one of three corruption cases weighing on the prime minister’s political future.
It was the second time Netanyahu has been questioned in the investigation into allegations he awarded regulatory favours to Bezeq Telecom Israel in return for favourable coverage on a news site the company’s owner controls. [snip]
Two former Netanyahu confidants have agreed to turn state’s witness in the case. One is Shlomo Filber, the former director general of the Communications Ministry; the other is Nir Hefetz, a former Netanyahu spokesman.
The ashes of Professor Stephen Hawking will be interred next to the grave of Sir Isaac Newton at Westminster Abbey, it has been revealed.
The renowned theoretical physicist's final resting place will also be near that of Charles Darwin, who was buried there in 1882.
Prof Hawking, who had motor neurone disease, died on 14 March, aged 76, at his home in Cambridge.That piece was found at Infidel 753's link round-up, which has dozens more places to visit. Check it out.
Memo to Gen. Kelly:— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) March 26, 2018
Stormy Daniels reports that the @POTUS became more compliant after been spanked.
Desperate times demand desperate measures.
🤷🏼♂️ It’s going to be weird though when people shrug off the threats because they already assume Trump does business like a low rent mobster.— Schooley (@Rschooley) March 25, 2018
I think the evangelicals are gonna need more Mulligans...— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) March 26, 2018
Hey, .@realDonaldTrump... Here's a cover to hang up in your country clubs. pic.twitter.com/znsR6iY0Si— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) March 26, 2018
CBS press release says Stormy Daniels gave 60 Minutes its highest ratings since a 2008 interview with Barack and Michelle Obama.— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) March 26, 2018
“How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that.”Yeah kids, don't look to Rethuglican wingnuts like me to pass gun control legislation, just deal with the results of our malicious, callous neglect. As Marjory Stoneman Douglas activists / students David and Lauren Hogg pointed out this morning, no amount of CPR will help a student shot in the head with a round from an AR-15.
"Leave Trump alone. Forget the story....That's a beautiful little girl. It'd be a shame if something happened to her mom."Very organized crime, no? There was also the additional intimidation by Cohen and hints that if she didn't sign the non-disclosure agreement and subsequent statements that she didn't have sex with Rump that something bad would happen to her.
Stormy Daniels: He quit talking about himself and he asked me things and I asked him things and it just became like more appropriate.Playboy model and another of Rump's partners, Karen McDougal, also said that Rump likened her to his daughter during their 10-month long affair in 2006-2007. What kind of pathetic, sick POS links his daughter to the woman he's about to have sex with? The pathetic, sick POS in the White (Supremacist) House, that's who.
Anderson Cooper: It became more comfortable.
Stormy Daniels: Yeah. He was like, 'Wow, you-- you are special. You remind me of my daughter.' You know-- he was like, "You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you." (emphasis added)
60 Minutes' interview with Stormy Daniels will be broadcast Sunday. The adult-film star and director describes the affair she says she had with Donald Trump in her first television interview about the alleged relationship.https://t.co/p3w8S7SAjm pic.twitter.com/YosFy4EKLL— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) March 21, 2018
If “a picture is worth a thousand words,” how many words is this worth?????#60minutes #pleasedenyit #basta pic.twitter.com/eCkU0JBZaR— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) March 23, 2018
Note: (a) not all of our evidence will be mentioned/displayed tonight – that would be foolish; (b) we are not sure what CBS will include but we know a lot from the full interview will have to be cut bc of the time allowed; (c) tonight is not the end – it’s the beginning. #basta— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) March 25, 2018
"I'm supposed to be recovering ... and I can't do that if these things are still going to be happening."— CNN (@CNN) March 23, 2018
Using cell phones, six Parkland survivors chronicled their lives in the weeks after the shooting. Their stories tonight, 9p ET on CNN #ParklandDiaries https://t.co/FHVLh5RY5K pic.twitter.com/7NBh50lY3Z
Michelle and I are so inspired by all the young people who made today’s marches happen. Keep at it. You’re leading us forward. Nothing can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change.— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 24, 2018
Today many are peacefully exercising their #1A right to march for gun ban. Many support gun ban. But many others see it as infringement of #2A that won’t prevent shootings. Protest is good way of making a point,but making a change will require both sides finding common ground— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) March 24, 2018
"... I’d say the decision of the nation’s political media that Hillary Clinton’s compliance with email server management best practices was the most important issue facing the country has held up even better than Maureen Dowd’s columns about Trump’s opposition to militarism." -- Scott Lemieux on Cadet Bone Spurs' appalling "Fox and Friends Presidency."
John Bolton once suggested Russian hack of DNC may have been a false flag operation by Obama Admin. He joins Joe diGenova, another Fox contributor, who thinks the FBI conspired to frame the President. Glad to see @POTUS surrounding himself with rational thinkers. Heaven help us.— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiffCA) March 22, 2018