(click on images to enlarge)

(Drew Sheneman, The Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ)

(Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

(David Horsey, Seattle Times)

(Matt Davies, Newsday)
Perspectives on politics, culture, and the media since 2006
Trump supports the lawsuit that would end ACA protections for pre-existing conditions.— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) October 31, 2018
Insurers would be able to exclude the sick or charge them more.
Trump-backed bills gave states ability to allow insurers to charge sick people higher premiums or curtail benefits they rely on. https://t.co/2xdsUMBeQX
Left, Fox News, 12:01 pm— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) October 31, 2018
Right, Trump, 12:43 pm pic.twitter.com/uYbaCk4spk
The point of the trip was supposed to be Trump showing respect to Pittsburgh, not the reverse https://t.co/fkqVD2I6On— Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) October 31, 2018
This guy voted in every election.— Joe Schuch (@JoeSchuch) October 31, 2018
Shouldn't you?#vote#VoteBlue #VoteEmOut #VoteToSaveAmerica pic.twitter.com/vsF9WjyWSj
"On Wednesday, unidentified [Turkish] state sources again began dominating news coverage of the murder, saying a Saudi prosecutor who had flown to Turkey to work on the case was unhelpful. The Istanbul prosecutor’s office disclosed the new details in a statement issued soon after the Saudi official, Saud al-Mojeb, flew home after a three-day visit.....[Saudi prosecutor] Al-Mojeb wouldn’t answer some of the key questions Turkey asked, the statement said, including: Where is Khashoggi’s body? Who was the alleged local collaborator that the Saudis say took part? What do the Saudis know about who planned the murder? (our emphasis)The recovery of Khashoggi's body could answer some questions that the Sawdis don't want answered, but eventually the truth will come out. It won't result in holding Crown Prince Bone Saw accountable, of course, given the tacit protection he has from corrupt huckster Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner, whom Bone Saw once said was in his pocket, the Trump regime overall, and complicit right-wing Likudniks and Arab beneficiaries of Bone Saw's bribes.
When you're weary, feeling small
When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all (all)
I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
We've read this amendment to the Constitution over and over again, and for the life of us, we don't see any exceptions to the statement that all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. are citizens. Not if you're left handed, or weigh less than 8 lbs. at birth. No exceptions.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." 14th Amendment to the Constitution, July 9, 1868
“Finally, a president willing to take on this absurd policy of birthright citizenship,” Graham wrote in a tweet. “I’ve always supported comprehensive immigration reform — and at the same time — the elimination of birthright citizenship."Maybe it's fitting that Huckleberry, who represents white folks in South Carolina, would want to abolish birthright citizenship, since it was passed in the aftermath of the Civil War to ensure that children of former slaves would be recognized as U.S. citizens. He knows, but doesn't care, that it would take amending the Constitution to bring that abomination about, not an executive order from Rump. But an election's coming, and these sick extremists are doing everything to rile up the Trump cult and get them to the polls.
Take solace in the fact that Trump’s desperation is a result of knowing what’s coming on Tuesday.— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) October 30, 2018
He knows he is seven days from the worst public shaming of his lifetime.
Narcissists rage when drowning.
Watch with detachment and it becomes downright zen. He knows he’s losing.
"Appearing with the vice president on Monday, Jacobs invoked 'Jesus the Messiah' and 'Savior Yeshua' — another name for Jesus — as he offered a prayer for the dead and wounded in Pittsburgh. 'God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, God and Father of my Lord and Savior Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, and my God and Father, too,' he intoned."Dense Pence, whose lord seems to be the mango-colored shitgibbon he works for, got major blowback for his choice of Jacobs, rather than a legitimate Jewish rabbi:
Pence had a Jew for Jesus deliver a prayer for the Jews who were murdered in Pittsburgh. How could he not find one Jewish Rabbi in all of Michigan? https://t.co/o6icgGqkM5— Emily C. Singer (@CahnEmily) October 29, 2018
In response to antisemitic white nationalist attack, Vice President Mike Pence opens campaign event with a Christian Rabbi. pic.twitter.com/5iMLx1V3NH— Rafael Shimunov 🔥 (@rafaelshimunov) October 30, 2018
Normally, a Rabbi would open with Kaddish, a prayer for the dead - and list names of those taken. And blessings to the community at risk, Jews, immigrants, etc. Here, it is instead a prayer for Republican candidates to win on November 6 and a blessing for Mike Pence.— Rafael Shimunov 🔥 (@rafaelshimunov) October 30, 2018
Two days after the worst anti-Semitic massacre ever on American soil, the Vice President appears at an event with group whose main purpose is to proselytize to Jews & convert them to Christianity.— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) October 29, 2018
"Messianic Judaism" is antisemitism.— Steven I. Weiss (@steveniweiss) October 29, 2018
It is deceptive proselytising that sees Jews as in need of saving, and has Christians playact Jewish ritual.
Inviting one to speak publicly is not OK. Pence must apologize for this, or if he's OK with it, he's unambiguously an antisemite.
Mike Pence's rabbi = Fake Jews— Orli Matlow (@HireMeImFunny) October 30, 2018
An alleged scheme to pay off women to fabricate sexual-assault allegations against Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been referred to the FBI for further investigation, a spokesman for the special counsel’s office told The Atlantic. “When we learned last week of allegations that women were offered money to make false claims about the Special Counsel, we immediately referred the matter to the FBI for investigation,” the spokesman, Peter Carr, told me in an email on Tuesday.
The special counsel’s office’s attention to this scheme—which was brought to the office by a woman claiming she herself had been offered money to make up sexual-harassment claims against Mueller—and its decision to release a rare statement about it indicates the seriousness with which the office is taking the purported scheme to discredit Mueller in the middle of an ongoing investigation.
The special counsel’s office confirmed that the scheme was brought to its attention by several journalists who were told about it by a woman alleging that she herself had been offered roughly $20,000 by a man claiming to work for a GOP activist named Jack Burkman “to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller.”...The name Jack Burkman may not ring a bell, but he's a creepy Republican operative who's quite familiar with paying ladies for services rendered. As the article points out, he's also been involved in pushing some of the most evil crackpot conspiracies over the past few years. This won't end well for him and the other ratf*ckers (Jacob Wohl? Soon- to- be- indicted Roger Stone?) involved in this smear.
Some sad news. On Thursday, November 1, at the Rosslyn— Jack Burkman (@Jack_Burkman) October 30, 2018
Holiday Inn at noon, we will reveal the first of Special Counsel Robert
Mueller's sex assault victims. I applaud the courage and dignity and
grace and strength of my client. pic.twitter.com/wZVQeHD45r
Yes, voter suppression is alive and well in the United States.
But Americans who rely on the broadcast news networks for their information, and they still number in the millions every night, probably don’t know about it.
Obsessed with all things Trump — caravan invasion, anyone? — and occupied with breaking news about hurricanes and mass shootings, the networks have almost ignored voter suppression.
With the consequential midterm elections only a week away, the near silence is deafening. [snip]
“The network news divisions have not worked out how to cover politics without following the agenda set by President Trump,” he told me by email. “That’s not to say their coverage is pro-Trump, since they will use his agenda to present him in both a positive and negative light. But it does mean that they find it difficult to present politics as being about anything except him.”
Since Labor Day, Tyndall told me last week, the three broadcast networks (CBS, NBC and ABC) together had done only a handful of stories — fewer than 10, all told — on threats to voting rights.We shouldn't expect a turnaround in the media's obsession with covering every vile syllable coming out of Rump's lie hole. As disgraced former CBS chairman Les Moonves once said of the pre- election saturation coverage of Rump, "It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS." It would be hard to find a network or cable executive who didn't, and probably still doesn't, think that same way about Rump coverage. Clearly, it's all about the money to these soulless suits.
But the unfettered right to vote is much closer to the heart of the American ideal.
And, especially now, the growing threats to that right should be considered news of the most urgent order.One week to go.
President Donald Trump had about three times as much free time planned for last Tuesday as work time, according to his private schedule. The president was slated for more than nine hours of “Executive Time,” a euphemism for the unstructured time Trump spends tweeting, phoning friends and watching television. Official meetings, policy briefings and public appearances — traditionally the daily work of being president — consumed just over three hours of his day.This remarkably lazy buffoon can't be bothered to go downstairs to the Oval Office before 11 a.m., and when he does it's often for a mundane Executive Order or proclamation signing. When it was revealed last week that Rump is still using his personal iPhone, thus compromising national security, White (Supremacist) House aides tried to reassure everyone by saying that Rump doesn't get beyond the surface in his Presidential Daily Briefings and shows no real interest in them.
For Trump aides, scheduling presented a challenge from the outset. Accustomed to conducting business largely over the phone from his office in Trump Tower, the president chafed at back-to-back meetings that kept him off his phone and away from the television, according to a half dozen current and former White House aides.Think? Rump reacts and attacks, he doesn't "think." That's done for him by his boob tube "advisors."
The concept of “Executive Time” was Kelly’s response to the president’s complaints that he was over scheduled under his previous chief of staff, Reince Priebus, and “didn’t have any time to think,” one of those aides said. (our emphasis)
The Tree of Life shooter criticized Trump for not being racist or anti-Semitic enough. But with respect to the caravan, the shooter merely followed the logic of the president and his allies: He was willing to do whatever was necessary to prevent an “invasion” of Latinos planned by perfidious Jews, a treasonous attempt to seek “the destruction of American society and culture.”
The apparent spark for the worst anti-Semitic massacre in American history was a racist hoax inflamed by a U.S. president seeking to help his party win a midterm election. There is no political gesture, no public statement, and no alteration in rhetoric or behavior that will change this fact. The shooter might have found a different reason to act on a different day. But he chose to act on Saturday, and he apparently chose to act in response to a political fiction that the president himself chose to spread and that his followers chose to amplify. (our emphasis)Leading the racist hysteria as part of that political fiction were those vicious organs of the Big Lie -- Fox "News" and Fox Business "News." Here's a snippet of Josh Marshall's take:
I managed to involve myself this weekend in a tiny eddy in the storm around the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. As you can see below, early yesterday evening I happened upon this interview on Lou Dobbs’ Fox Business News show in which a guest, Chris Farrell, claimed the migrant caravan in southern Mexico was being funded and directed by the “Soros-occupied State Department.” This is, as I explained, is straight out of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the foundational anti-Semitic tract, first circulated and perhaps authored by the Czarist secret police in the first years of the 20th century.Here's what Marshall is referring to (video embedded in tweet):
Political scientists are generally not massive Fox News fans, but in our efforts to come across as relatively unbiased, I actually think we downplay the extent to which it is a force for the absolute worst impulses of racism, illiberalism, and extremism in American society. https://t.co/dMKTMERmLB— Steven White (@notstevenwhite) October 28, 2018
It's an entirely unsubtle conjuration of the hoary and hateful lie that wealthy Jews are the puppet-masters of the left, because of course, decent white folk would never espouse liberal beliefs unless they were getting paid to do so. It's totally disgusting, but Republicans are waging an internal arms race to see who can plaster the most bigotry on the airwaves. Right now, the NRCC is winning.
This ongoing insult of reality, this daily denigration of truth, is epidemic among Trump’s people. Unable to face what is, they live in a kingdom of lies, seek sanctuary down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. Indeed, Trump cultists — Lou Dobbs, James Woods, Rush Limbaugh, Candace Owens and more — have already suggested the bombs were part of a Democratic plot to sway the coming election. [snip]
Meantime, this guy, this morally deformed 72-year-old brat, had a theory of his own. After bombs were sent to people he has spent years insulting ( “low IQ,” “crooked,” “ignorant”) and to a network he has spent years condemning (”enemies of the people”), Trump tweeted that the “anger” in our society is a result of media’s “false and inaccurate reporting.”
So in other words, if reporters would just stop challenging him, stop questioning him, stop behaving as if words have meaning and people, memories, all will be well. He probably even believes that.
But the issue here is not news media. Nor is it civility or Republicans being yelled at in restaurants.
No, the issue is reality and the fact that it becomes no less real because you don’t acknowledge it. That’s what the Trump cult has never figured out. Reality will always have the last word. And you may run from it, but you can never escape.
Not even down a rabbit hole, not even in a kingdom of lies.As of this morning, the vile shitgibbon is still at it. Surprise!
Tip: if you're gonna to join a cult try to find one where the leader knows how to close an umbrella— ☇RiotWomenn☇ (@riotwomennn) October 27, 2018
Trump today.
When you can't figure it out, just drop it pic.twitter.com/Ksw1m8LtEr
"Continuing what began during the 2016 presidential election, the members of far-right extremist groups and the so-called 'Alt Right' have stepped up 'online propaganda offensives' in the runup to the upcoming midterm elections to attack and try to intimidate Jews and especially Jewish journalists..."Exhibit A would be the despicable use of letter bomb recipient and progressive philanthropist George Soros in this anti-Semitic offensive, as demonstrated in the vile tweet by despicable weasel and Rethuglican House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Reptile-CA), as noted in the post below. But he's just the tip of the garbage heap. Right-wing bots have played a major role in spreading anti-Semitic memes and lies:
"Bots have played a critical role in anti-Semitic attacks online. Nearly 30 percent of the accounts that repeatedly tweeted terms meant to denigrate Jews were judged to likely be bots, according to the analysis. These accounts made more derogatory comments about Jews on average than accounts that seemed to be from humans – 43 percent of the tweets even though they represented just 28 percent of the accounts."And the kicker:
"The study also found that 80.26 percent of the harassing tweets used hashtags associated with those on the right side of the political spectrum. Nearly 40 percent of the tweets included #MAGA or #KAG, which supporters of President Trump use to tout his 2016 and 2020 campaign slogans. The most popular term used by Trump supporters 'by one or two orders of magnitude' was 'Soros,' referring to George Soros, the Jewish billionaire that anti-Semites use to blame for anyone who resists conservatives." (our emphasis)Neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump encourages this spewing by his cult followers, using loaded and unsubtle language like "globalists" and "nationalists" in his rage speeches. His reference to the tiki torch-bearing neo-Nazis of Charlottesville as "very fine people" was no slip. He knows they form the hardest core of his base, who rejoiced after November 2016 by acts of vandalism against Jewish temples and cemeteries.
No amount of pro-Israel policies—no embassy in Jerusalem, no encouragement of settlements, no increased aid—outweighs the existential danger to Jews of the Trump movement’s coddling, or even overt encouragement, of anti-Semitism, racism, and nativism. Even those Jews not motivated by solidarity with Muslims, Mexicans, the media, and others singled out by Trump for opprobrium must now recognize that we Jews, ourselves, are at risk.
... [A]nti-Semitic activity, including hate crimes in schools and bomb threats against Jewish institutions, has been soaring — up an unprecedented 57 percent last year, according to the Anti-Defamation League. That is the symptom. The cause is a climate in which the sentiments of white nationalists and other hate groups are no longer suppressed.
Hate groups feel emboldened to show their faces in public, as they did when they marched last year in Charlottesville, chanting: “Jews will not replace us.” That, too, had a deadly result. But the president of the United States insisted there had been moral equivalency between the neo-Nazis and those who had shown up to protest them: “There are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for the country, but there are two sides to a story.”
Trump says Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh has “little to do with” gun laws, says the synagogue should have “had some kind of a protection” inside the temple, and later blames synagogue for not having armed guards. pic.twitter.com/AWg5AwkEKp— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) October 27, 2018
Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy posted this tweet AFTER a bomb was sent to Soros' house. Up until a couple of minutes ago it was pinned to the top of his profile. pic.twitter.com/FEeKoPolHL— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) October 24, 2018
Trump jokes that he considered cancelling speech to FFA not b/c of the mass shooting in Pittsburgh, but b/c his hair got wet while talking w/reporters about the shooting.— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 27, 2018
"At least you know it's mine... I said, 'maybe I should cancel this arrangement b/c I have a bad hair day.'" pic.twitter.com/wLIlqQpENj
Trump casually uses anti-Semitic "globalist" dogwhistle hours after anti-Semitic mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh leaves at least 11 people dead.— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 27, 2018
"We don't worry too much about the globalists... we have to take care of ourselves before we start worrying about others." pic.twitter.com/yS4g6NPPCH
Congregants near the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh were ambushed on Saturday morning by a man who opened fire with multiple weapons. According to on-scene reports, the shooter shouted “All Jews must die” as he was firing into those present.
At 11:30 ET, news reports indicate that 8 people have died, and 12 are wounded including at least 3 police officers who responded to the shooting. First reports of the shooting came in around 10:45 ET, while the web site for the Tree of Life shows that Shabbat services began at 9:45, suggesting that the gunman may have assaulted the congregation as the service was ending. Reports indicate that four people were killed on the main floor of the synagogue. The shooter then killed more people in the basement of the synagogue. One person may have been killed outside the building.He's a far- right, anti- Semitic, anti- refugee crackpot:
Pittsburgh suspect Robert Bowers posted this AM “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people..I’m going in” https://t.co/2T5c6xdPhC pic.twitter.com/Bj7T7E8Yzh— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) October 27, 2018
HIAS (founded as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) is an American nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees.
"He says he does not condone violence carried out by his supporters, but analysts say his daily rants on social media platforms are taking a toll.He's also taken a page from Rump's playbook in attacking Brazil's press, also using the term "fake news" to discredit negative stories about him, and to encourage attacks on them
'Bolsonaro, because of his rhetoric supporting violence and the aggressive manner he has campaigned, has opened the Pandora’s box on political violence in an already extremely violent country,' said Rafael Alcadipani, a public security expert at the Getulio Vargas Foundation university in Sao Paulo.
'If people thought Brazil had extremely high levels of street violence in normal times, imagine what it will be like under a president who aggressively pushes violence among police and against political opponents?'” (our emphasis)
"Brazilian investigative journalism group Abraji said since January 64 reporters who cover the campaign have been physically attacked and another 82 targeted in online hate campaigns.Bolsonaro is ahead of his opponent by double digits going in to tomorrow's elections. If you thought the right-wing virus of anti-democratic violence was confined to the U.S. and parts of Europe, think again.
By comparison, 40 U.S.-based journalists covering all topics were physically attacked during that period, according to the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker database run by over two dozen press freedom groups."
I've reviewed all of the content on 2 of the Twitter accounts maintained by suspected bomber— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) October 26, 2018
He echoed the conspiracy theories & crazy claims perpetrated not by some fringe right-wing voices but by *mainstream* conservatives like:
Fox News
Wray says devices had six inches of PVC pipe, a small clock, battery, wiring and “energetic material.” “These are not hoax devices,” he says.— Matt Zapotosky (@mattzap) October 26, 2018
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) October 26, 2018
Hey @Twitter remember when I reported the guy who was making threats towards me after my appearance on @FoxNews and you guys sent back a bs response about how you didn’t find it that serious. Well guess what it’s the guy who has been sending #bombs to high profile politicians!!!! pic.twitter.com/xBY8FMbqnq— R O C H E L L E (@RochelleRitchie) October 26, 2018
CNN called the bombing suspect “republican-leaning” so I’d like to announce that when I breathe I am oxygen-leaning pic.twitter.com/pGUemrlHBV— shauna (@goldengateblond) October 26, 2018
Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018
... Bill Mitchell, a pro-Trump Twitter mainstay and radio host, was also convinced that the real target of the potential explosive devices was the political power of Republicans.
“These ‘explosive packages’ being sent to the #Media and high profile Democrats has Soros astro-turfing written all over it so the media can paint the #GOP as ‘the dangerous mob.’ Pure BS.” Mitchell wrote. His tweet, which is still live on Twitter, has more than 2,000 retweets.Welp, that "false flag" didn't take long to furl. Down the memory hole you go! Let's see if the "mainstream media" does its job and connects the dots directly from Trump's hateful fat lips to the #MAGAbomber's dimwitted ears.
Pressed on whether Trump should be ratcheting up his attacks in light of the mail bombs, [Newt "Poot"] Gingrich replied, “I don’t think there is a direct connection between Trump and the people (inaudible). Look, the people you are talking about have been people who have been very hostile to conservatives.”
“Very,” he added for emphasis.Take a walk down memory lane to see how Poot wrecked politics in this country more than any other person alive.
“We do not have any intention right now to shoot at people, but they will be apprehended, however.” (our emphasis)Plans may change once we see the brown of their skins, she didn't say.
Law enforcement officials have told CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz that they have arrested a man in Florida in connection with the explosive devices that have been sent to top Democrats and critics of President Donald Trump this week.News briefing at 2:30 Eastern time.
Authorities have towed away a white van that appears to be covered in stickers and signs featuring the GOP logo, the presidential seal, and images of Trump. There is also a large amount of text on the van, some of which seems to reproduce Trump statements or tweets.
This is the van of the bomb suspect, which is being towed from an Autozone in Plantation Florida. What does everyone make of the decals on these windows? pic.twitter.com/Zu85c4dDjW— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) October 26, 2018
The person arrested in the bombing, Cesar Sayoc, is a registered Republican with an Aventura address who has been arrested 10 times, per FDLE, once in 2002 for making a bomb threat. #bomber— Dan Sweeney (@Daniel_Sweeney) October 26, 2018
"Another mimosa please." - Tamron Hall— Richard Lawson (@rilaws) October 25, 2018
justice for tamron hall, period.— Calvin (@calvinstowell) October 25, 2018