We're going to a son's wedding, and a weekend of family celebration. We'll be back next week.
Until then, the Dixie Cups will sing us out.
Perspectives on politics, culture, and the media since 2006
"In investigations several months before the explosion, Upper Big Branch Mine was found to have airflow -- which keeps deadly gases from rising to explosive levels -- moving in the wrong direction, according to the mine safety agency known as MSHA (pronounced em-sha). It also had 16 other cited violations but had appealed them all (under a much-criticized federal policy, all 16 appealed citations were dismissed)."Big Shit and his like see these tragedies as PR problems to be managed and mitigated, and not something that should interfere with their insatiable drive for maximum profits at any cost. What's really required are criminal charges in cases like this where the worker-be-damned corporate philosophy results in needless deaths.
"The tenuous 45 percent to 40 percent preference for a Democratic Congress reverses the finding a month ago on the same question: 44 percent for Republicans and 41 percent for Democrats. The new readout came as the economy continued showing signs of improvement and the tumultuous battle over the health care law that President Barack Obama finally signed in March faded into the background."A cautionary note is that two thirds of the voters don't want their lawmakers re-elected, so the Dems will have to remind them of the President's mantra: the Rethuglicans drove the car into the ditch, did everything possible to keep it from being pulled out, and now they want the keys. All together now: NO!
"A reputation can sometimes be hard to shake and the city of Tampa has a reputation it would probably like to eliminate. For the past decade some have called Tampa the lap dance capital of the world.To which we say: bwahahahahaha. The Shizzle strikes again!
Paul Allen, the founder and publisher of NightMoves magazine, says he hears about the city's reputation all the time. He believes the shear number of strip clubs in the Bay area has undoubtedly contributed to the city's rep.
'In greater Tampa Bay, I think the last count is around 56 different clubs that are adult-oriented,' he said."
"BP PLC told a Senate committee Tuesday its massive Gulf oil spill was caused by the failure of a key safety device made by another company. In turn, that company said BP was in charge, and that a third company that poured concrete to plug the exploratory well didn't do it right. The third company, which was plugging the well in anticipation of future production, says it was only following BP's plan."Given this effort to weasel out of their responsibilities in the disaster, we're betting that this is just the beginning of endless actions by these predator companies to duck liability and avoid responsibility. That's why Congress should void any restrictions on monetary liability for this and future spills, and get answers -- by subpoena if necessary -- to their legitimate questions.
"But if the car bomber was indeed a white guy in his 40s who didn't know the difference between ammonium nitrate and plain old fertilizer, I'm thinking it's gotta be a Beck Patriot who was trying to water the tree of liberty with... the blood of random Times Square tourists. . . Let's see: wrong kind of fertilizer. Shut-off propane tanks. Someone who's not all that bright, or good with details? Someone who apparently modeled his bomb on those of infamous bombmaker Wile E. Coyote? Ah, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's a Limbaugh listener."That's an insult to Wile E. Coyote.