The web of the international white supremacist / nativist movement has become clearer in the past few months as neo-fascist demagogue
Donald "Rump" Trump and his sinister "advisors" embrace every far right loon from the UK's "Brexit" bozo
Nigel Farage to the Netherlands' Islamophobic race-baiter
Geert Wilders. Indeed,
the entire far right in Europe hailed Rump's
loss in the popular vote Electoral College win, calling it "
historic," and something that "
changes the USA, Europe and the world". Nearly every one of our European allies will have elections in 2017 with racist white supremacist / neo-fascist movements ascending, including heavyweights France (with right-winger
Marine Le Pen) and Germany (with xenophobe
Frauke Petry). The Netherlands elections come up in March, and should be somewhat of a bellweather for the other nations' elections.
It's reported that Austria's far-right party with the Orwellian name "Freedom Party,"
signed an agreement yesterday with Putin's United Russia Party to cooperate on measures designed to undermine democratic governments in Western Europe and to make them more agreeable to Russia's territorial and strategic ambitions, a major Putin goal. The so-called Freedom Party was founded in 1956 by
Anton Reinthaller, a former SS officer and Nazi functionary, and hasn't drifted far from its founder's contempt for democracy and pluralism. It's also worth noting that Rump's National Security Advisor, former Lt. Gen.
Michael "Jack D. Ripper" Flynn, met with the the party's leadership in Trump Towers a few weeks ago, likely to hatch further plans to sow right-wing discord in Europe and curry favor with Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin.
Elections have consequences, some of them quite extreme, here and in Europe. It's vital that those consequences not be ingrained in our societies for generations to come.
BONUS: Steve M. has more on
the Putin- led fascist movement, including some strange bedfellows.