I'm a lifelong Republican but Trump surge proves that every bad thing Democrats have ever said about GOP is basically true. #NeverTrump— Max Boot (@MaxBoot) February 29, 2016
Too bad it took you so long to figure that out.
Perspectives on politics, culture, and the media since 2006
I'm a lifelong Republican but Trump surge proves that every bad thing Democrats have ever said about GOP is basically true. #NeverTrump— Max Boot (@MaxBoot) February 29, 2016
We are about to learn much about Republican officeholders who are now deciding whether to come to terms with Trump, and with the shattering of their party as a vessel of conservatism. Trump’s collaborators, like the remarkably plastic Chris Christie (“I don’t think [Trump’s] temperament is suited for [the presidency]”), will find that nothing will redeem the reputations they will ruin by placing their opportunism in the service of his demagogic cynicism and anticonstitutional authoritarianism.Yes, as we all know, the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party, that "vessel of conservatism," has never been associated with "demagogic cynicism and anticonstitutional authoritarianism!" Much less racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and jingoism! We do have to give Will credit for coining the phrase "the Republican Party's coalition of the timid" in describing the rather late, impotent efforts of empty suit gusano Sen. Marco "Roboto" Rubio (leader!) and fellow
"Thank God he has really large ears, the biggest ears I've ever seen," Trump added, "because they were protecting him."Rump was responding to "light, little nothing" Rubio saying this about his debate appearance:
He also said of Rubio: "I have never seen any human being sweat like this guy."
Trump continued to rail against Rubio at length in his speech. Trump, who vowed Friday to "open up" libel laws to make it easier for public figures to sue the media for besmirching their records, expanded the idea to politicians like Rubio.
"I listen to this light, little nothing say, 'Trump's a con man,'" he said of Rubio. "Isn't it a disgrace? I mean, seriously. It really is — maybe we'll make the libel laws also so we can sue lying politicians."
"First, he had this little makeup thing, applying makeup around his mustache, because he had one of those sweat mustaches," Rubio said.
Rubio also went after Trump at campaign stops on Saturday, wondering why "a guy with the worst spray tan in America" was attacking him for putting on makeup at debates.
The senator continued mocking Trump's appearance.
"Trump likes to sue people," Rubio said. "He should sue whoever did that to his face."A day earlier Roboto said Rump "wet his pants" during the "debate" sh*t show.
David Duke, a white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard, is urging the listeners of his radio program to volunteer and vote for Donald Trump.While the Boys in the Hoods and their like are out casting ballots this fall, anyone to the left of Willard Romney who decides to sit this one out in a fit of misguided pique or blinkered sense of ideological purity is a childish, privileged ass. You'll be committing an act of unforgivable indecency, abandoning your birthright as a citizen and thereby empowering the David Dukes, the Sarah Palins, the Jerry Falwell, Jrs., the Phyllis Schlaflys, the Ted Nugents and all those knuckle- dragging
“Voting for these people, voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage,” Duke said on the David Duke Radio Program Wednesday, referring to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. “I’m not saying I endorse everything about Trump, in fact I haven’t formally endorsed him. But I do support his candidacy, and I support voting for him as a strategic action. I hope he does everything we hope he will do.”
Duke then urged his followers to call Trump’s campaign headquarters to volunteer.
“And I am telling you that it is your job now to get active. Get off your duff. Get off your rear end that’s getting fatter and fatter for many of you everyday on your chairs. When this show’s over, go out, call the Republican Party, but call Donald Trump’s headquarters, volunteer. They’re screaming for volunteers. Go in there, you’re gonna meet people who are going to have the same kind of mindset that you have.”
BONUS: Now they're in full panic mode.Republican elites: I can't believe this dog whistle attracted all these dogs!— Tim Fernholz (@TimFernholz) February 26, 2016
“Donald's a great guy and a good person. But I just don't think that he's suited to be president of the United States [...] I don't think his temperament is suited for that and I don't think his experience is.” (our emphasis)This is now:
Mr. Christie, noting he has been friends with Mr. Trump for a decade, said that he was “proud to be here to endorse Donald Trump.”What was Christie's price -- a bag o' donuts?
Mr. Trump “will do exactly what needs to be done to make America a leader around the world again,” he said. (our emphasis)
"I think Chris Christie wants a cabinet position, or, at least access to Trump's cabinets." - @FrankConniff @JohnFugelsang #TME— Matt Manzella (@MatManz) February 26, 2016
On "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz: "A good Republican would defend Ted Cruz after tonight. That ain't happening. If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody could convict you."
On Marco Roboto: "Then there is Marco, the boy wonder. I'm not saying he would change his position -- but he changes his position. The Secret Service's main job when he's president is to keep him hydrated."For frontrunner and neo-fascist vulgarian Donald "Rump" Trump, Huckleberry noted that he failed in his own quest for the nomination, and then backed loser J.E.B. : ( making him the Dr. Kevorkian of the 2016 Rethuglican race. Then he put Rump's signature "Make America Great Again" cap on.
Tonight we saw another spirited debate between the most diverse & well-qualified group of presidential candidates in history #GOPDebate— Reince Priebus (@Reince) February 26, 2016
Unfortunately, for too many Republicans moderation now equals apostasy. These Republicans have stubbornly parked themselves so far to the right for so many years that it is hard to tell whether they can hear how deranged they sound.As Americans, we need to do whatever we can to clean out this nest of rats that's been plaguing the U.S. Senate for too long. Once again, here are four Democrats running against vulnerable incumbent Republicans that deserve your support:
The truth is they are afraid — and they should be. They know Mr. Obama has a large pool of extremely smart and thoroughly mainstream candidates from which to choose a nominee. They know that if the American people were allowed to hear such a person answer questions in a Senate hearing, they would wonder what all the fuss was about.
So Mr. McConnell and his colleagues plan to shut their doors, plug their ears and hope the public doesn’t notice. The Republican spin machine is working overtime to rationalize this behavior. Don’t be fooled. It is panic masquerading as strength.
Former Massachusetts governor and 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Wednesday called on real estate mogul Donald Trump, the GOP front-runner in the 2016 race, to release his tax returns.
"I think in Donald Trump's case it's likely to be a bombshell," Romney said in an interview with Fox News, speculating the reason the businessman had not made his returns available to the public is because he "may not have as much income" as advertised or, even worse, that he didn't pay any taxes. [snip]
Romney's decision to speculate openly about the details of Trump's taxes is ironically similar to that of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), who infamously claimed in 2012 that Romney "didn't pay any taxes for 10 years." The tactic incensed the Romney campaign, which charged that Reid was floating nonsense without a shred of evidence. (our emphasis)"Bombshell!" Plutocrat on plutocrat action! Let's play "Which billionaire avoided paying the most in taxes?"! (Mittens paid an effective rate of less than 15%.) Do we think any revelation in Rump's taxes, if he ever releases them, will cause his "poorly educated" Stormtrumpers to abandon him? Nein!
Mitt Romney, who was one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics, is now pushing me on tax returns. Dope!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2016
Mitt Romney,who totally blew an election that should have been won and whose tax returns made him look like a fool, is now playing tough guy— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 24, 2016
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Steve Benson, via Gocomics.com |
Speaking of the president, there’s a way — albeit even less likely — for Barack Obama to reduce the political temperature. He could take the advice proffered by a lawyer who would later become his White House counsel, Robert F. Bauer, and ask that his nominee pledge to serve a limited term. [snip]
Crazy times call for crazy suggestions. (our emphasis)Indeed. We'll file that suggestion in the proper receptacle!
Fox News reported Wednesday that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) had gone to bed as the results of the Tuesday Nevada caucuses were still rolling in."... gone to bed"!? And forego his "victory" speech!? Was it past his bedtime? Was it to recharge his batteries?
Fox hosts cut to reporter John Roberts for an update on the Rubio campaign, which had announced Tuesday that it would not stay in Nevada.
"Nothing else tonight," Roberts said. "The senator has gone to bed and has a lot of work to do between now and super Tuesday." (our emphasis)
Missed Rubio's inspiring victory speech after getting killed 2-1 in #Nevadacaucus. How was it?— Susan J. Demas (@sjdemas) February 24, 2016
So reassuring that the GOP's plan to stop Trump is to pretend Rubio losing is really winning.— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) February 22, 2016
"So we won with evangelicals. We won the young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." (emphasis added)And there're a lot of them to love in the Republican / New Confederate / Stupid / Shooter's Party.
... I would argue that most of these distressing results derive from people who are proud of their ignorance and anxious to display it as a statement of purpose against "political correctness," whatever the hell that means anymore. Look at me, I'm telling a pollster that I'm for slavery. I am a courageous person. No wonder that He, Trump loves him some poorly educated people; he's gotten very good at pretending to be one of them himself. They are his latest mirror in which he can study endlessly the glories of He, Trump.
I didn’t think that anything the GOP could do — especially an act as predictable as this — would do more than deepen my weary sense of “they are who we thought they were.” But this feels like a last straw. I’m just done with allowing any framing of this as “just politics” or what have you. I and a majority of my fellow citizens voted President Obama into office twice. The disrespect to him is something he can handle (better than I ever would). But it’s the delegitimizing of my vote, my choice, my place in American democracy that has just gotta stop. The current Republican Party has to be destroyed, root and branch. They are blight on policy, and a boil on the body politic. Time for them to go.We all know what we need to do by electing a Democratic President. But that won't do us much good in the face of unprecedented, un- democratic Republican rule in the Senate. We need to flip that dysfunctional chamber in order to restore some semblance of a working democracy in America.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed a bill Sunday prohibiting the state from contracting for health services with any organization that performs or promotes abortions, blocking government funds to Planned Parenthood.
This follows a long history of Kasich's hostility to women's reproductive rights. Let's watch Samantha Bee show us what a "moderate" passes for in the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party these days:Planned Parenthood isn't explicitly named in the legislation, but the law will prevent more than $1 million in funding from the state health department from going to the nonprofit to fund programs such as HIV testing, health screenings and prevention of violence against women. (our emphasis)
"The III% movement was co-founded by pro-gun, anti-government activist Mike Vanderboegh, who promotes the idea that the Second Amendment allows unsatisfactory election results to be overturned by armed revolt." (emphasis added)(photo: A militia member about to demonstrate some shootin' underwater in the nearby pond.)
At his rally in Las Vegas, Trump said of the Texan senator: “This guy Cruz has lied more than any human being. He holds up the Bible, and he lies.”We wouldn't argue with you so far, Rump.
Trump went on to complain about a “phony” Cruz ad airing in Nevada that accuses Trump of wanting to leave the state’s federal lands in the hands of the government. “This guy is sick, there’s something wrong with this guy,” Trump said.
When one of two hecklers interrupted the businessman, the property magnate openly talked of violence. “You know what they used to do with guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks,” he said.There's your Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party front- runner, folks! Is that not Presidential material!? Lincolnesque!
Noting the protester was smiling as he was escorted out, Trump quipped: “I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell you that.” [crowd erupting in cheers]
ON SUNDAY, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus whether the party would back Donald Trump should he win the GOP nomination. “Yes, we will support the nominee,” the Republican chairman replied. “To me, it’s a no-brainer.” Mr. Stephanopoulos asked if a Trump nomination would split the party. “Winning is the antidote to a lot of things,” Mr. Priebus responded.
Judging from the legions of flotsam showing up at Rump rallies, not to mention the followers of the "sick" extremist "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz and empty suit crank Sen. Marco "Roboto" Rubio, the "moral poison" about in the land is broad and deep and endangers us all. Rump is the main symptom and channeling agent, but he's by no means the only one.Winning can quiet many complaints, it is true. But it cannot and will not be an antidote to the moral poison of Mr. Trump’s campaign. Party leaders who support and celebrate his victory will be accomplices to an attack on the fundamental values of American democracy. Winning will not wash away the stain.
The empty suit has some very interesting ideas. pic.twitter.com/NjFVd6ykKM— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) February 22, 2016
What you may not know is that Mr. Rubio’s tax cuts would be almost twice as big as George W. Bush’s as a percentage of gross domestic product — despite the fact that federal debt is much higher than it was 15 years ago, and Republicans have spent the Obama years warning incessantly that budget deficits will destroy America, any day now.
But not to worry: Mr. Rubio insists that his tax cuts would pay for themselves, by unleashing incredible economic growth. Never mind the complete absence of any evidence for this claim — in fact, the last two Democratic presidents, both of whom raised taxes on the rich, both presided over better private-sector job growth than Mr. Bush did (and that’s even if you leave out the catastrophe of Mr. Bush’s last year in office). [snip]
In short, Mr. Rubio is peddling crank economics. What’s interesting, however, is why. You see, he’s not pandering to ignorant voters; he’s pandering to an ignorant elite. [snip]
So when Mr. Rubio genuflects at the altars of supply-side economics and hard money, he isn’t telling ordinary Republicans what they want to hear — by and large the party’s base couldn’t care less. He is, instead, pandering to the party’s elite, consisting mainly of big donors and the network of apparatchiks at think tanks, media organizations, and so on.
Please read Krugman's entire piece at the link.In the G.O.P., crank doctrines in economics and elsewhere aren’t bubbling up from below, they’re being imposed from the top down. (our emphasis)
Rubio is hoping to run up his score with suburban and upwardly mobile, mainstream voters in metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, Boston, Minneapolis and Nashville. (our emphasis)They're really, really dying to run with their narrative "21st Century Marco vs. old news Hillary/ Bernie," aren't they?! Meanwhile, let's see if he ever wins a primary, shall we?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Charles E. Grassley showed that congressional Republicans live in a bubble. They argued for a delay in appointing a Supreme Court justice, justifying their stance by referencing the 2014 election: “It is today the American people, rather than a lame-duck president whose priorities and policies they just rejected in the most-recent national election, who should be afforded the opportunity to replace Justice Scalia.”
I don’t recall any candidate running for a national office in 2014. The most consequential elections in 2014 were for senators, representatives and governors. The most recent election in which someone was running for a national office was in 2012, an election in which President Obama trounced his competition. The people spoke, and they spoke loudly. While people can make national statements with their votes in statewide elections, Mr. McConnell and Mr. Grassley neglected to mention that voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest in 70 years, at 36 percent, whereas turnout in the 2012 election was 58 percent. Which election gets closer to a national endorsement or rejection of Mr. Obama’s policies?
The question of whether Americans should get a chance to weigh in on a Supreme Court nominee was already answered, and overwhelmingly so, in 2012.
Doug Parsons, Takoma ParkSuch are the b.s. "arguments" being mustered by Republicans like Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell to justify delaying President Obama a Supreme Court appointment. It's time to change course for a Court that's had a conservative Republican majority since 1971 and, given Republican obstructionism, the 2016 election (Presidential and Senate) may be the last, best opportunity for a long time for progressives to get that done.
The fabled Stupidest Man on the Internet, Jim “Gateway Pundit” Hoft, has performed another glorious face plant for his knuckle-dragging right wing followers today, identifying the suspect in last night’s terrible random shootings in Kalamazoo, Michigan, as a “progressive leftist:” “Progressive” Jason Brian Dalton Arrested for Random Kalamazoo Shootings After Killing 6 - Was Uber Driver - The Gateway Pundit.We understand Hoft has heard the shooter might have had an accomplice named "Flo."
If you’ve followed the hopelessly dumb career of Jim Hoft for any time, you’re probably aware that he does this with every shooting incident or mass murder; tries to pin it on a “leftist.” And I do mean every incident, without fail. He’ll Google for voting records that show the perpetrator once registered as a Democrat, or find a Twitter post where they said something not entirely negative about President Obama, etc. etc.
But this one is destined to go down as a classic in the annals of ridiculous Hoftian stupidity.
Police arrested Jason Brian Dalton last night after killing six people in random shootings. Dalton described himself as a “Progressive” leftist on Facebook.Well, Jim, I’m pretty sure that won’t be getting any headlines. Because in fact, the guy you’re claiming is a “progressive leftist” actually was once … an employee of Progressive Insurance. (our emphasis)
Do you think that will get any headlines?
Marco Rubio: The Florida senator got what he needed tonight: a clear signal that he is the establishment candidate who can win. Bush getting out of the race opens up a massive amount of major donor money for Rubio. Beating Ted Cruz was likely just icing on the cake. Rubio should be well positioned to do well in Nevada in three days' time — a showing that will solidify him as the clear alternative to Trump. This was, without question, Rubio's best night of the race — and the one that makes clear that he is in the race to stay and, maybe, to win. (our emphasis)Well, he had a great night if by "great" you mean finishing 73,970 votes behind Donald "Rump" Trump and ending up with 0 (nada) delegates compared with Rump winning all 50 at stake! Keep pumping air into that balloon, Lizzard! Hey, he beat one of Lizzard's "losers" "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz by a little over 1,000 votes! Landslide!
I'm keeping this handy for every primary day. pic.twitter.com/9dktLDTiZP— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) February 20, 2016
The book examines the big questions I encountered during my adventure, such as how translation, censorship, cultural identity and technology affect the way we share and understand stories. It brings in some of the personal histories of the people I met on my quest, as well as my own reading experiences throughout my life, a whole lot more research and many other books. Ultimately, it explores how reading can change and shape us, and reveals the extraordinary power that stories have to connect us across cultural, geographical, political and religious divides.As a companion to the book, Morgan kept a blog that provided her account of the books she read. One description of a book, "Girls of Riyadh" by Saudi Arabian writer Rajaa Alsanea, illustrates the essence of the "extraordinary power that stories have to connect us" Morgan explores in her literary travels:
Faced with a world in which they are often not permitted so much as to sign their names or have coffee with a male friend without being arrested and interrogated, and yet are able to access all luxuries and comforts, as well as Western cult classics such as Clueless and, yes, Sex and the City, these girls of Riyadh lead schizophrenic lives. They conduct their love affairs in secret and remotely, they create fake personas online and they wear low-cut designer pieces under their abayas, which they queue up to change back into in the toilets on flights back from London, Paris and the States.
All this feels minor, however, when set against Alsanea’s achievement of exploding the single biggest weapon in the armoury of repressive regimes: that of making the oppressed group faceless and voiceless. Here, we are presented with four (five if you count the narrator herself) vivacious, witty, intelligent individuals, who despite the restrictions placed upon them attack life with energy and verve. We see educated girls testing the barriers that hem them in and brokering their own peace, or otherwise, with the codes with which they have been raised. And we see a marginalised group beginning to flex its muscles in the virtual sphere and discover the potential of the internet to help people visualize and effect changes such as those seen across much of the Arab world in 2011.
Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea (translated from the Arabic by Rajaa Alsanea and Marilyn Booth). Publisher (Kindle edition): Penguin (2008)A special thanks to friend of the blog (and good friend period) P.E.C. for alerting us to Ms. Morgan's illuminating project!
Oh so NOW Jeb Bush is willing to pull the plug when someone's on life support.— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) February 21, 2016
The people who believe Obama is Muslim are the same people who believe Donald Trump is Christian.— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 19, 2016
So Biden has already decided that the obstructionism by the Republicans should be rewarded with the nomination of a "consensus" candidate, who no doubt would be well to the right of the four progressive Justices already on the Court (and who the Rethugs would block anyway). Thanks for the help, Joe. It's no wonder that he's beloved by the likes of Republicans like Sen. Lindsey "Huckleberry Butchmeup" Graham and former (Vice) President Dick "The Dick" Cheney, who received this accolade from Biden recently:“The Senate gets to have a say. In order to get this done, the president is not going to be able to go out, nor would it be his instinct anyway, to pick the most liberal jurist in the nation and put them on the court...There are plenty of judges who are on high courts already who have had unanimous support of the Republicans. This should be someone who, in fact, is a consensus and whereby we can generate enough support to get a person passed.”
“I can say without fear of contradiction there’s not one single time there’s been a harsh word in our relationship. And that’s what I think is most desperately missing today in Washington, D.C. I don’t remember, Dick, you questioning anybody’s motive... You have been a great asset to this country and the way you have conducted yourself is a model to anyone in high public office.” (emphasis added)What utter nonsense, after almost seven years of The Dick taking every opportunity to harshly slam Biden's boss, President Obama, on everything from Iraq and terrorism to domestic policy. Once again, ol' backslapping Joe reverted to his harrumphing Senate gentleman's club speechifying ("My dear friend, the distinguished Senator, who has just vigorously applied a hot poker to my backside...."), reality be damned.
In the anxious weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Florida House hurriedly assembled an elite group of lawmakers to develop plans to keep the state safe.
A spot on the Select Committee on Security was a mark of prominence in Tallahassee. Some of the airplane hijackers had acquired Florida driver’s licenses and trained at flight schools in the state, and legislators lobbied furiously behind the scenes in hopes of being named to the 12-member panel tasked with addressing the state’s newly exposed vulnerabilities.
It came as little surprise that Marco Rubio, a promising and charismatic young lawmaker from Miami, secured a coveted position on the committee.
Rubio did not give the job the attention that legislative leaders expected. He skipped nearly half of the meetings over the first five months of the panel’s existence, more than any of his colleagues, according to Florida legislature records. He missed hours of expert testimony and was absent for more than 20 votes — prompting the state House speaker who had given him the assignment to express concern, the committee’s chairman said. (our emphasis)Tell us if this doesn't also sound like the ambitious, superficial little gusano he is:
At times, Rubio befuddled his colleagues, both Democrats and Republicans. After apologizing for arriving late to a debate in February 2002 about a proposed system to track foreign students, Rubio argued passionately that the proposal would unfairly target law-abiding immigrants, such as those who had entered the country as refugees or to seek political asylum. But he quickly backed down in the face of opposition and, then, despite his publicly stated misgivings, went ahead and voted for the proposal.That's your serious "establishment" Republican and "mainstream" media darling and last hope, folks.
Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr., who is the son of the late televangelist Jerry Falwell, told CNN that "the pope is mistaken ... I do believe Trump is a Christian." He added that "JFK would be rolling over in his grave right now."Not to be outdone, "Sweaty Bill" Donohue, President of the right- wing Republican- front Catholic League has his Rump- friendly rationalization:
Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of Evangelist minister Billy Graham, also defended Trump.
"My advice to the pontiff: Reach out and build a bridge to Donald Trump," he said on Facebook. "Who knows where he may be this time next year!"
"The pope was set up by the reporter," he said. "He's been lied to about what Trump has said." [snip]Lawrence Downes of The New York Times has the same questions we do about the apparent lack of Christianity in the hearts and minds of right- wing Republicans and their theocratic supporters. Here's an extended quote:
Donohue didn't disagree with the pope's comments, but said that they didn't apply to Trump because his plans extend far beyond a wall. [Ed. note: Yes, like deporting 11 million people - very Christian, "Sweaty Bill!"]
I have little expectation that today’s episode will lead to any enlightening discussion. But I can at least pray that it might lead to more challenging, probing questioning of the candidates — the Republicans, I mean, who are so quick to lead with their Christian faith, and to summon the blessings of God upon their political endeavors.
Because there is so much dissonance when the G.O.P. does its holy-rolling thing. There are so many questions.
How can Ted Cruz begin a rally by invoking the Lord, and then speak as though he is running for war criminal? What do his Christian audiences think when he calls for the indiscriminate bombing of Muslim civilians, and laughs about making sand “glow in the dark” — basically a joke about mass murder?We suspect the "Christianity" practiced by these folks is a very selective faith, one that is molded to the contours of a socio- political belief system, and a very cynical and nasty one at that.
Why does someone like Marco Rubio tell heart-warming stories about his immigrant roots, and then, with equal conviction, insist that he will pull up the ladder for more recent, non-qualified immigrant families, the ones his primary voters hate and fear?
Why has the entire Republican field treated immigrants and refugees, even dead Syrian children washed ashore on a beach, not as victims deserving welcome, but as threats to be shunned?
Why are immigrants who cross burning deserts to provide for their children, who stand on street corners to take any available job, but not handouts, who embody Republican ideals of faith and family, so hated by the God-and-country crowd?
Why, with their strong faith and the full might of America to protect them, do the Republican candidates sound so frightened and angry?
A Christian, by definition, believes Jesus is God, who dwelled among us, who was born poor, who preached a Gospel of love, and — though he surely could have annihilated the Romans and blasted his persecutors and made the sands of Galilee glow in the dark — allowed himself to be put to death by the authorities.
Why is that peaceful Christ never present in Republican speeches? (our emphasis)
“Jesus never intended to give instructions to political leaders on how to run a country,” Mr. Falwell told CNN.Falwell, Franklin Graham and all of the other talibangelist Republicans then took a solemn vow to never, ever have their hands in politics again! And we all lived happily ever after. The end.