Boo Hoo the Hoot's Million Moron March last Saturday raised the specter of Boo Hoo as the new, self-anointed leader of the Christian Right. (Certainly, Boo Hoo is a legend in his own mind.) The day after the assembly, Preacher Boo Hoo was heard on Faux News Nutwork saying he thought most Americans "couldn't recognize" the Christianity practiced by President Obama.
Well, it seems some authentic leaders of the Christian Right are having qualms about Preacher Boo Hoo, whose Mormon faith is seen as a non-Christian sect by fundamentalists, leading their sheeple. Of course, lost in the stupid is Beck having the brass nuts to question Obama's Christianity when many not- just- fundamentalist Christians would wonder about Beck's adherence to an ostensibly Christian theology that denies the infallibility of the Bible, denies the Trinity, and holds the Book of Mormon as divine and of equal value to the Bible. Preacher Boo Hoo is always eager to cast stones, so watching him take a few to his fat, empty head (not literally, of course!) will be fun sport.
(Photo: maybe the Devil makes him do it)