California Rethug gubernatorial candidate Meg "Mega Noggin" Whitman has a problem named Nicky Diaz. That's Mega Noggin's illegal alien housekeeper of nine years. TPM has the story, complete with the "she said, she said" between Mega Noggin and Diaz -- via her attorney Gloria Allred. Mega Noggin says she had NO IDEA the housekeeper was in the country illegally; Allred says she has proof that she'll release today that proves Mega Noggin is a liar. The housekeeper also claims Mega Noggin was abusive. After spending $120 million (and counting) of her own fortune to be elected governor, Mega Bucks, er, Noggin may be brought down by someone who earned $20/hour. So, sit back, get yer popcorn and enjoy!
(Image: Is that a melon on her shoulders, or is she just Mega Noggin Whitman?)